@National Hockey League



by Random_every


  1. MMmhmmmmmmmmmm

    I’m sorry for the fans but it’s high time public funds stop paying for billionaire toys.

  2. Lightning802v3

    Can someone explain the Castellanos bit?? It’s breaking my brain

  3. thatc0braguy

    So many bad decisions.

    They should’ve just approved it and started moving forward, “if you build it they will come” style.

    Now it’s on the hunt for her another spot, so ridiculous.

  4. BubbaSpanks

    How soon does the sale process start?

  5. detroitdoesntsuckbad

    Come on Portland! There’s already a NHL ready arena and only two other major sports teams to share the limelight.

  6. Caroline0330

    Relocate to a market where you’ll actually be appreciated by the community.

  7. DukeofNormandy

    That shuts the rumours of Matthews bolting the leafs to the Coyotes at least.

  8. elcabeza79

    Good to see Gary Bettman has turned the NHL into Weekend at Bernies.

    When is this asshole finally going to cut the losses and move the team somewhere it can be successful?

  9. midnightrambler108

    I kinda understand why the location wasn’t going to work for a residential development tacked on there. If you go west of Sky Harbour there is Nuestro Barrio ( I took a wrong turn one time and ended up driving through there) which is a bunch of vacant lots and dilapidated houses. Presumably just from the constant rumble of Airport noise. Going a mile east instead would be just as bad. Nobody is going to want to live there.

  10. -kalakukko69

    Ok, this actually pretty sad. I can imagine that Quebec for example is much more fanatic than Arizona. But those few fans must be die hard fans so it’s heart breaking if they lose their team. Also Coyotes might be one of my favorite brands in hockey so if they move keep Coyotes. Atlanta Thrashers was cool brand Winnipeg Jets ain’t but Winnipeg is a hockey town they deserve it but still Thrashers is a really cool brand

  11. DontToewsM3Bro

    So Tempe tax payers don’t want to spend their tax dollars on a stupid sports stadium, that actually a good thing, every city should do this.

    These billionaires have a enough money so unless the start sharing the profits with each and everyone that lives in the city than they can fuck off

    Calgary should have done the same it’s a dam sports team. There are more important things to spend on money, schools, healthcare, police etc

  12. jimhabfan

    It’s like the two sides are playing chicken. The town council is just waiting to see just how badly Bettman wants this team in Phoenix.

  13. SirHypeTheDank

    Come down to Austin! (so I have an excuse to wear their awesome jersey)

  14. shuttle-cack

    I mean you could *shudder* pay for it yourself.

  15. RepairOk9894

    Not even Arizona gives a shit about the coyotes

  16. SparkNoJoyThrw01

    It’s literally like the death certificate lol

  17. Trapped_Like_Rats

    lol bettman is such a bullshit artistZ like just say outloud in very clear words

    “Coyotes no Coyotes no mo”

  18. solaire_flare

    Fuck off bettman. You want people to spend their tax dollars on a stadium for a team no one gives a shit about? You pay for the arena if you eant it there so badly.

  19. Maximum_Echidna8042

    Bettman will never admit hockey doesn’t work in the dessert

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