@Philadelphia Flyers

Tony DeAngelo Traded to Flyers Pushes Woke Twitter into Fake Outrage

Tony DeAngelo is fresh off one of the best seasons of his NHL career. The Philadelphia Flyers announced last Friday…they were sending a handful of draft picks to the Carolina Hurricanes in exchange for Tony DeAngelo.

The trade sent woke Twitter into fake outrage. We reveal and react to the Twitter reactions to Tony DeAngelo joining the Flyers. We discuss the reasons for the fake outrage surrounding Tony DeAngelo…and explain the hypocrisy behind it.


  1. Majority of these people on Twitter bitchin dont even watch nhl nhl is the least woke major sport of the big 4 us nhl don’t tolerate that bs we dont care about shit like this just wanna watch the game matter of fact nhl doesnt have a big social media presence compared to the rest

  2. Black players say crap all the time to the teammates and opposing players. We're worried about a couple of words here when Philadelphia has a crisis of violence and murders coming from a specific demographic.. give me a break

  3. I thought when woke men said "FML" they were saying "fill my lovehole". Was wrong this whole time, FML.

  4. But KC the NBA is inclusive. They have that trans white coach. What was his name? Oh yeah Steve Kerr.

  5. The Flyers are the wokest of them all !
    The reason they’re doing so horrible as a franchise is, the curse of Kate !
    Put Kate back !
    Let’s go Devils !!!

  6. The ferocity with which these sjw's like to attack alleged racism is actually, from a purely philosophical standpoint, entirely worse than the alleged racism. they want to crush, destroy, make unemployed anyone who utters a racial slur. isn't that actually worse than uttering a slur? isn't that a little teensy weensy bit of an overcorrection? "You said the wrong thing! Therefore, you must die!!" That's not exactly obvious moral high ground, you know? "We will cure the patient of his cancer by killing him!"

  7. Tens of millions of more Americans voted for President Trump than the "Big Guy".
    They want us to be afraid of being called a terrible name. FUCK EM. If they're calling me razist then I'm doing something right. It's not a deterrent it's encouragement to keep fighting for what's right!
    NASCAR tried to get more black drivers and they sucked. The one they got is Razist Bubbles Wallace and he's one of the worst drivers in nascar. The only win he has is from a rain out when the best drivers pitted and he stayed out to gain back a lap he lost cause he can't race. So he won by default. Test

  8. Penguins fan here, and I have to admit that this is a good acquisition for the Flyers. They may have overpaid a bit, but that's OK…sometimes you have to do that to get a player you want.

    As for the Twitter Woke/Cancel Mob…..I'm willing to bet that you could count the number of NHL games the whole bunch of them have attended on your two hands.

    We need to get to a point in this country that when the Keyboard Warriors start howling like this, there should be either one or two responses….either, "So what?" or "F*** you." We need to start telling the activists and the Woke Warriors to go pound salt.

  9. That was the 2004 Stanley Cup Final between Tampa and Calgary. That was a great series, one of the more underrated ones if you ask me

  10. I don’t get it, when men/boys fight, some very unkind words can be thrown around. What has America become if we can’t insult a friend or two

  11. I’m a life long flyers fan.I don’t give a fuck what he said in juniors as a teenager.I can speak for all my flyers fan friends we don’t don’t give a fuck what he said,the fans that are supposedly up in arms probably don’t watch the next couple years these Twitter idiots with there idiolodge will be nobodies again all 2% of Americans.america is waking up to these nwo thoughts poisoning america there time is over

  12. He dude. I got one for ya. These wokesters are tailapathic. They hold there tail up in the air and show you the path to take the ick!!!!!

  13. They only way to fix the sins of the NHL is to physically force black kids to invest their commitment into hockey.
    You wanna play a different sport? As long as it doesn't interfere with hockey season, or off season camps.
    Wanna play an instrument? Too fckn bad.
    Wanna play video games? Denied.
    You wanna devout yourself to studies and be a dr or lawyer? Know your role and shut your mouth. You're late for hockey practice.
    Mandatory hockey for every black kid. Even if you're only half, or a quarter, or you just look tan year round.
    Boom!! There's some social justice… bitches!

  14. Yo this guy is a local and goddamn that is how we talk around here. Ask anyone, Philly is rough and we love this guy!! Flyers hockey have people bleeding orange. Don't take the woke horseshit seriously, just for the media!

  15. It's a big Oh so huge Mistery to me Why Oh why The Diversity Aficionados never ever ask for more diversity in the NBA More Latinos More Asian Americans More Native Americans But no, never Oh, how I wonder why…

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