@Arizona Coyotes

This vote was killed by a bunch of over 65 voters that live 12+ miles away from the arena site.

Age 65+ voted in droves for a toxic dump that will need to be removed anyways.

There are 33,000+ voters under the age of 34 in Tempe, 4,000~ of them voted. Only 31% of Tempe voted at all.

Regardless of how stupid they are for voting “no”, shame on ownership for just thinking they could walk into a “Yes” vote.

I’m hopeful another backup deal will be soon but if not, idk go Kraken or something.

by Beehay


  1. Credit to @sfalmy on Twitter for the graphic

  2. KingAlex2020

    Salt lake is basically confirmed 🙁

  3. Shadow88882

    Just to think, all ownership had to do was push ASU students to get out and vote….. Hit Mill Avenue…. Younger voters are “lazy” they need that push.

  4. uncomfortably_honest

    Yeah I still don’t buy it. Tempe/Phoenix and this state, overall, has been corrupt for years. Now this billionaire wants to come in, pay for an arena himself, and not allow the shell game of “tax payer money” greasing the wheels of Tempe council. We can hate on people our parent’s ages all we want to, but I don’t trust Tempe in general.

    It’s the 65 year olds that will actually sit there and read bills and things, so to see this “no push”

  5. gamecat89

    I mean coyotes couldn’t get more than 15k out of a potential 90k to vote for it
they kinda deserve it. Who do they think votes?

  6. jakecantsurf

    Yet they build a giant retirement condo smack dab in the center of mill ave. Probably the same old fucks who got that park venue shut down

  7. Fun_Commission_7956

    dude look someone in the eyes and say going to arizona had been good. ur in a college arena right now

  8. DLoIsHere

    I’ll repeat what I say after any election: if your “side” didn’t win and you didn’t work tirelessly to persuade others to your cause, you gotta pipe down.

  9. KanataRef

    Is 19,052 the final vote count? I can’t believe you couldn’t get 10,000 people out to vote. Possibly not just for an arena/district, but to keep the team in Arizona.

  10. OutlandishnessNo1950

    Sorry guys, but your franchise has had over 20 years to get their shit together and they still haven’t. Your team hasn’t been relevant since Shane Doan… and even then it was a stretch. If you weren’t Gary’s pet project the team would’ve been logically moved ages ago. Game over.

  11. FatherFenix

    Unfortunately, this is a common issue.

    Almost all of the 55+ folks vote, almost none of the younger (18-35) adult voters do. Which means that even if the vast majority would otherwise support something – this deal, education funding, quality-of-life improvements, parks, etc. – they often get voted down because old people would rather not deal with it, get lobbied hard by NIMBA propaganda/PACs they likely already agree with, or because “it doesn’t affect me, so I don’t like it”.

    A ton of arguments and theories about that, but it’s not unique to this instance, unfortunately. Hard to consider the “what ifs”, but I think everyone agrees that Bluebird and the Coyotes absolutely gave up the high ground to Phoenix on the campaign by refusing to engage until late in the game while opposition was spending PAC money like crazy to lie and defame the project and the Coyotes the entire time. Could’ve been the same result, regardless, but definitely didn’t do themselves any favors letting Phoenix/Tempe1st take the initiative throughout the entire thing with their BS mostly unchecked.

  12. ewjdubs

    Just because they don’t live next door doesn’t mean they want their tax dollars funding it

  13. ruditol

    Good riddance to this BS franchise. I remember going to America West Arena and sitting in the Dogg Pound, it was exciting as hell, Roenick, Tkachuk, Khabibulin and yes limited view seats weren’t ideal, but you couldn’t beat the price and the location. I was a Glendale resident when it came time to vote to increase our taxes to pay for their arena out west. I voted yes. In retrospect the coyotes moving so far away from the East valley fans killed them, especially after the strike season when they came back to an audience that really didn’t miss hockey. They tried all kinds of gimmicks (New unis, Gretzky) but couldn’t figure out that in AZ, a state populated by people from other places they needed to win in order to create a fan base that would give a damn. Amazing how Vegas who just came in the league a few years ago has gone to multiple playoffs and this year even the brand new Kraken made the playoffs. I feel bad for whatever city they go to next. They’re just going to waste their tax dollars and time. Won’t be missed.

  14. The-420-Chain-Smoker

    Ik this sounds crazy but after you reach a certain age you shouldn’t be allowed to vote in local elections. Nationally sure you can vote but these smaller ones shouldn’t be swayed by a bunch of retirees who could care less about the future and only want to stifle progress

  15. I would make just the “No’s” pay for the site cleanup.

  16. thepinkservbot

    I’m a Tempe resident on the north side that voted no. The entirety of the No campaign is North Tempe based — the No campaign was particularly concerned about the cost of living and increase of rental rates the project would inevitably bring, as well as the displacement of residents out onto the streets. This is a particularly bad problem in North Tempe, where much of the housing is rental and the homeless problem is at its worse.

    Also, you must understand, you guys, you Coyotes fans… you were just the absolute worst during all of this. Just awful. I never cared or had much of an opinion about the team or the fans but oh my god, straight into the toilet with you rude, moneyed, sign-destroying, rhetoric-spewing vandals. I don’t care how much is baby and how much is bathwater.

  17. Ready-steady

    Y’all need to find out how to rally your folks to vote.

  18. azunderg

    I’m not a hockey person, but my son plays youth hockey and the youth hockey teams and facilities connected to the Coyotes are some of the best (if not the best) in the state. It would be tragic for all the kids involved in those if the Coyotes staff, money, etc. left. I’m sure those programs would turn into a shell of what they were when the Coyotes were here…

  19. 19k-wal82

    Not turning out to vote yes is a “no” vote. If you don’t care enough to turn up to vote, you don’t want the thing in question.

    Enough of the billionaire handouts. Build your own arena if you own a team.

  20. CurlingTrousers

    NIMBYs who would vote no to public money being allocated to solving world peace.

  21. yarhar_

    Why didn’t they time the ballot props with a general election?

  22. Careless_Click_4206

    My province in canada shit gets decided by people who are only French. It sucks I know. Fuck them

  23. istillambaldjohn

    Or maybe 65+ has a much better voting record than other demographics.

  24. GingerBeard_andWeird

    I mean
yeah. That’s what happens when the people who have more time left to live don’t vote.

    They get stuck with the fucking dinosaur’s choices. Gotta get out there.

  25. fluffHead_0919

    As a Avs fan I’m very sorry for you guys. It’s a bummer. Sounds like they’re still looking for an alternative to stay in AZ, so hopefully something happens.

  26. tbaymiro

    Quebec City Coyotes, really rolls of the tongue!

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