@Seattle Kraken

If we thought the patronizing media coverage would stop after 14 post-season games I guess we should think again

If we thought the patronizing media coverage would stop after 14 post-season games I guess we should think again

by AHoopyFrood42


  1. lexicon_03

    Ok I almost posted this this morning when I saw this. Although I’ve been watching the Kraken since the beginning, I’m pretty new to being a sports fan in general, so I don’t have enough knowledge to respond to the article but it seems like an utterly trash take. Sorry we played well even if you don’t think we did? Lol.

  2. SeattleKrakenTroll

    That’s not patronizing. That’s just ignorance!

  3. veloxaraptor

    Why would you expect it to stop now when it was a constant even up to game 7 against Dallas?

    This is hardly shocking and not even worth spending the energy on. Sharing it around just gives them the clicks and views they crave.

    Everyone knows the Kraken are a phenomenal team.

  4. majorBotHead

    Clearly never watched a game. Yes our shot % was crazy high but advanced stats don’t determine everything. Sports are nuanced, not black and white. Why did the rangers do so poorly? They’re not “faceless” they have a multitude of star players old and young and one of the best goalies. Why did they shit the bed?

  5. DeadMediaRecordings

    So the writer is mad that he’s too stupid to understand why the team is good? And also to stupid to know he shouldn’t tell people how stupid he is?

  6. surfingeagles

    Sounds like media’s version of Tucker Carlson. Always asks questions and too terrible at their job of solving it.

  7. luciusetrur

    if they don’t why the kraken are good, why are they writing on hockey? that’s kinda bizarre, lol.

  8. Deadspin isn’t going to get clicks from me for their garbage.

  9. Angst500

    Dude-Bro is out trolling for clicks. He works for deadspin so this article could be just as much about his career as it is about the Kraken.

  10. abandersnatch1

    I read all the replies in here before my curiosity got the better of me and now I’m just angry. I’ve never read such flaming hot garbage in my whole life.

  11. afkPacket

    You know what? Whatever, let these people write this shit. All it will do is make the team even more hungry to prove them wrong.

  12. Sam Fels is just a Blackhawks circle jerker, and wholly unqualified to comment on other hockey teams. I should’ve known not to click a Deadspin article (was that EVER a good sports site?), but my curiosity got the better of me and I already regret it.

  13. Sdog1981

    That is just a bizarre tactic even for Deadspin, “Our hockey writer is dumb” does not sound like a way to generate clicks.

  14. 3banger

    Yeah I read that article this morning and all I could think about was how bad a take it was. Deadspin died years ago. It should have remained that way.

  15. sevenfading

    How can you even take this serious they used butt instead of but

  16. Monchichi4life

    Don’t give him clicks. I made that mistake.

  17. fermenttodothat

    I saw this article and immediately rolled my eyes. Teams dont fluke into the playoffs bud. 100 point team isnt an outlier.

  18. Marxbrosburner

    Heh, hottaker doing his job. I get what he’s saying and don’t hold a grudge against him. He’s just doesn’t understand the power of our depth.

  19. EwoksEwoksEwoks

    Don’t give zombie deadspin any views

  20. BubbahGumpino

    I’m not sure why some guy’s opinion who’s name I’ve never heard has any credit to the things he is saying. His opening sentence proves how much of a moron he is.

    Who cares. Lmao

  21. I read this at like 230 this morning and it brought me to actually tweet at deadspin and this dumb take! Zero respect for how difficult it is to even make the playoffs let alone in your 2nd year as a franchise and then going on to beat the defending champs and take the 2nd round to game 7!

  22. Canadian__Ninja

    This happened during LA’s miracle 8th seed run to a cup win. Every round it was “alright, *this* is the round they lose in.”

  23. SonofFargoGal

    All it took was watching 5 minutes of their forecheck intensity, lack of production loss going down the lines, and nonstop aggression to know why they were good. It’s beyond me how anyone could have watched a kraken game and not been impressed.

  24. Mundane-Sense5754

    Everything I’ve read from this guy makes it clear he hates hockey.

  25. Diggitydave76

    Don’t take them seriously guys, ya’ll had an excellent season.

  26. LeisureSuiteLarry

    That’s not patronizing. That’s just insulting.

  27. kaossbrewing

    Fuck Sam whateverthefuck! Fuckin Dallas Stars Fanboy

  28. SecretInevitable

    Enragement = Engagement. Don’t give that dumpster fire of a site any clicks.

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