@San Jose Sharks

CrossFit Podcast Ep. 18.28: Randy Strauss

“We believe that the animals deserve the utmost respect because they’re the ones making the ultimate sacrifice,” says Randy Strauss, the co-president and CEO of Strauss Meats.

The Strauss family provides the very best meats, which Randy says is because of “our commitment to the welfare of the animals we raise, the sustainability of our planet, and the health of our families.”

Strauss Meats aims to educate consumers about the benefits of eating healthy, grass-fed proteins. The Strausses are drawn to CrossFit because they share a commitment to creating healthy communities focused on making smart lifestyle choices.

Notable mentions:
Randy Strauss, Jerry Bussen, ethical agriculture, Greg Glassman, Strauss Meats, “Obesity: The Post Mortem,” Dave Castro, Rogue Fitness, Bill and Caity Henniger, Concept 2.

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  1. This is cool. I'm an avid consumer of beef. It's cool to see someone take the high road (also the expensive road) and see it pay off. Also, Savon, great research and prep! it's easy to see how much effort you put into preparing.

  2. Capitalism and the free market at work fixing the world's problems once again. Love it. I'm in Canada so I can't get your products but I buy meat at the farmers market from an ethical farm locally and I hope more people make small changes like this. And I'm stoked to hear you distribute to A&W cause they're burgers are BOMB! And they lettuce wrap any burger for you!

  3. I gave up beef a long time ago (like 13 YEARS ago) literally due to the way the cattle are treated and what the animals are being fed. I saw the Strauss label at my local store a few months back so I went to their website, did some research and decided to start eating beef again. This is so awesome to see them partnering with Crossfit!

  4. Living in Green Bay WI this was a very interesting episode. There are large scale farms just south of where I live. On a hot summer day, with a south wind the air is saturated with the smell of manure. They have large pits filled with manure…'s gross. They also spray fields with manure. The cows are stuck in large barns. It's really sad to drive by. You can see them looking out. They never get out of that barn. Heart breaking.

  5. LOVED THIS !!!! Great honest podcast on grassfed beef. I have it from my friend down the road and like it but my hubby does not exactly for the reasons you say. A+W Canada YAY! Best line " I want to get a selfie with all of us here" end line. Way to go 52 yr old Randy! Your kids have trained you well! LOL Love these podcasts and watch….. too many of them. Some of them several times

  6. If this interests you guys check out: “Bringing It to The Table,” by Wendell Berry. It covers more than just the subject this podcast but all of American agriculture. Eye-opening for sure.

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