@Toronto Maple Leafs

Keeping Keefe vs. moving on

In sports, the person to take the fall for a team’s disappointing season is usually the coach. There are a number of scenarios that could play out in Toronto during the offseason and TSN Hockey analyst Cheryl Pounder makes the case for whether the Maple Leafs should keep Sheldon Keefe or move on.


  1. It has to beโ€ฆ.MOVE ONโ€ฆ accountability includes under performing in the playoffs. Especially coming out at the beginning of the game overwhelmed. Work on a seasoned winner โ€ฆlike the Blackhawks Stanley Cup bench boss. Make it happen.

  2. First coach to pass round 1 in 19 years. Heโ€™s also the first coach to be blessed with one of the most talented rosters ever.

  3. Keefes record is amazing one the most win coaches we have had, but I can not think of 1 playoff series where he was the better coach, game time decisions such as letting sammie play game 4 after being hurt is folding under pressure. More time and experience he is gonna be a great coach but the boys need a new leader for now.

  4. If I'm dubas I wouldn't want to stay I'd gj somewhere not as stressed and can just do your job like Pittsburgh.
    Keefe- stats she stated mean very little,at end of day Matthew's and rest know how to play hockey most of team arnt young besides knies and lillegren its not like he coached airizona and led them or a team full of u25 yr Olds.
    He's a good coach will get another job if not in Toronto.

    Sadly easiest move if trade JohnT for Doughty or Karlsson if that isn't able to happen.
    It has to be Willy or Matthew's
    I would trade willy for lindholm+ maybe dman like Anderson but will cost something else.
    Matthew's is unfortunately going to ask to be highest paid if Toronto wants years of mediocrity pay the man,if spend 7-7.5m for 2 players ex Jason Robertson,Connor,Scheifele,Ehlers,Bertuzzi,konecny,or older players like OReilly, Kane won't eat that up or make less get guys who want it is also a issue.
    I'd like to see Josh Anderson,Wilson,Deslauriers,Bertuzzi,Laughton,Jenner, Domi,Crouse,Lowry types on leafs middle 6.

  5. Keefe has been out coached every playoffs. Anyone that knows hockey could get this team into the playoffs. When it comes down to a solid game plan in the playoffs he falls short. 1. McCabe not on the PK 2. 2nd line Tavares-ROR-Marner 3. Kerfoot and Holl in lineup. After game 60 Marner shouldn't have been on the PK to keep him fresh for the playoffs. Mixing up lines continuously near the end of the season so the new guys couldn't get any chemistry. NO DON'T BRING BACK.

  6. Talent and skill does what it can,not must.
    Mental toughness,grit,will,discipline,initiative,and commitment are lacking. This is the NHL, not 11 year olds trying the best you can.
    Championship pay with little league results

  7. Yes he has the most wins, but is there any coach that wouldn't have had that many wins, with the talent that this team has? Also, the constant line changing in the season and the playoffs was ridiculous. A coach with this kind of team should know what lines work best, and also how to squeeze more out of them come playoff time. Time for a proven coach.

  8. He got completely out coached in both series.

    Tampa played extremely poorly and they still only lost in 6.

    Florida completely exposed our coaching deficiencies.

  9. Would any other coach have got the core 4 to perform against Florida??? I doubt it!

  10. It's true Keefe is the first Maple Leafs coach to lead the team past the first round. However, it isn't as if the Leafs deserved that victory. Against Tampa, they won the series but Tampa was the better team in each game except game 2, so I don't think Keefe nor the players can consider that victory as a sign they are getting better. In the 2nd round, the Leafs never solved Florida's tight checking. To me, all of that is on the coach. Even in the regular season, the Leafs often fell flat on their faces whenever they played with a bottom end team. Somehow they could never find a way to do anything more than mail it in. And that's on the coach too.

    Keefe has brought this team to the highest level he can lead them; it's time for someone else to pick it up from there.

  11. How about he didn't make O'Reilly one of the core players during the playoffs!! We knew this core doesn't have it. We got Factor to make the difference, and he plays him in a 3rd line defensive role like Kamf! He is Ryan O'Reilly! Make him first line centre game 2 in Florida until Matthews shows he has the grit to get it done!!

  12. Nope. You're not allowed to make an assessment of Keefe one way or the other. He spoke his mind honestly about the team early in the season and was publicly flogged. How can you coach when you're afraid of your own players? Bring it anyone, wont' matter, the prima donnas run the asylum.

  13. The missing ingredient is belligerence. That was not Keefeโ€™s job to supply. If that is not addressed, no matter who the coach is, nothing will change. Donโ€™t forget, Paul Maurice onc coached the Maple Leafs. He had the same problem. Every Toronto coach has it. Kneis was brought in to solve that problem. He was ambushed. Another part of the problem is the team OWNERSHIP. The Leafs won the last game fair and square and were robbed by the officials AND the league itself. The only element capable of dealing with that are the teams owners. If they are not willing to stand up and do battle with the league, the Leafs will always be robbed at the last minute. It happens over and over. There must be a script it happens so regularly.

  14. All three of last year's Jack Adam finalist were let go this year. It doesn't matter that they won one round, the team needs a change and he's not a playoff coach.

  15. At the very least fire Sheldon Keefe who has proven that heโ€™s at best an AHL coach who has been out-coached by John Tortarella, Dominique Ducharme, Jon Cooper, and Paul Maurice in the playoffs.

  16. Can Keefe learn? He is a great coach but has been out-coached in the playoffs, but he can learn, and this entire crew (as Don Cherry said) needs one more kick at the can. Simmons needs to be played more; his toughness will bolster all on the ice.

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