@Philadelphia Flyers

Elon Musk Says Attack On Ivan Povorov Has SWUNG TOO FAR as Woke NHL Analyst Goes After Him!

Elon Musk Says Attack On Ivan Povorov Has SWUNG TOO FAR as Woke NHL Analyst Goes After Him! Povorov refused to wear the LGBTQ Pride Night Jersey. His Jersey is now sold out. This comes on the heels of Ron Desantis going after the NHL over Job Fair Event at the All Star Game in Florida.


  1. The comment of that analyst with his pink shirt had such a strong racist undertone…he should be fired immediately!

  2. Dear fellow Americans.. A Russian, stand his ground for you all.
    Will you, do anything about it?

  3. The satanic alphabet narrative it's ruining sports; allowing politics. Politics shouldn't mix with Sports, time to boycott quit watching sports: they'll get the point once ratings drop to 0%. Very unfortunate for religious players

  4. You can see and feel how much Jackie Redmond was embarrassed having to listen to him talk out his ass.

  5. Why should he be involved in someone's sexual life, or someone should be involved in HIS sex life? I consider this as a sexual harassment

  6. I don't know any religion (besides corrupt one) that is ok with homosexuality and phedophila/queer shows, so the question about what is hie religion is pointless.
    Respect to Ivan! I'm looking for a jersey with his name right now.

  7. Attacking what exactly? GOD Jesus. It’s not about Provorov. People are so blind and refuse to see what’s exactly being attacked like if it doesn’t concern them. It will.

  8. It's not hockey anymore it's a circus played it for 40 + years watched it from when Peter puck and Howie meeker was giving tips during intermissions, don't watch it anymore nor follow it sorry one less fan and they rail roaded Don Cherry just make the left happy

  9. After being an NHL fan for over 40 years I bought my first NHL Jersey and its an OIlers Jersey with Provorovs name and number on it ,and I PROUDLY WEAR IT. Remember those who attack this man because he represents Everyman and Everywoman he represents freedom and future, all online and MSM detractors must be named and listed fo they support inversion which is dark worship to dark ideas the people supporting the rainbow do not even know exist..

  10. if the fucking US idiots running/ruining a Canadian game, didn't try to push for teams in all the woke cities of the US.. then we wouldn't have this issue. Get rid every team that was not in the original 6 teams period. return the game to the purity it once was. hell I'll even give you the 1967 12 teams to compromise.. But like everything, the US gets ahold of a foreign product and utterly destroys it. As for the analyst,.. love to meet him on the blue line one day or out back of the rink..

  11. 20 years ago: We just want tolerance.

    Now: You must wear our literal uniform on national television.

  12. An NHL analyst saying "problematic" is weak AF. It was clear hockey was being infiltrated by cucks when Don Cherry was fired from Hockey Night in Canada.

  13. Do you know why I stopped watching soccer? Because the rainbow horn flags irritated me. I was irritated by the rainbow captain's armbands. I started watching more NHL games! I ask the management of the NHL and the clubs, do they really want reduced viewership when more fans join the protest and refuse to watch politics in sports? Don't fuck the sport!

  14. Omg poor hockey players man. The firequeers have finally found a way to demasculate them. 😂 NEVER!!!!!

  15. If the LGBTQRF???? want to do their own thing , do it in the privacy of their own home . I'm tired of being forced to publicly except their life style . As a Christian , I'm sure they would be very vocal if we started posting signs in public quoting Bible Scriptures that God condemns this life style . That does not mean He does not love them , IT'S THE UNATURAL ACT ! Sodom and Gomorrah are actual sites of this life style . Do your own thing in your own privacy . C A McLean

  16. Looool Nonbinary pinky manwoman Lgbtqrsuvwxyz champions of tolerance can't or don't want to tolerate the straight rest of us, really! G-D bless Ivan for his boldness.

  17. Gay pride? Opposite of my upbringing! Hate the thought of your mind in the bedroom. Come near me and my family… Your done. Provorov God bless you 🙏.

  18. Gay agenda is more important than the USA army ,the USA borders and the homeless ,more important than the 33 trillion dollars that the USA owes ,look at all the countries that Americans hate ,they are all against gay lifestyle ,USA pass this law in USA ,and think all the world should accept ,USA never ceased playing GOD ,,all USA morals are gone ,,

  19. So here's a news flash for all americans speaking countries, MOST OF US IN EASTERN EUROPEAN COUNTRIES STILL HAVE CHRISTIAN BELIFES AND WE DON'T STAND WITH THE LGBTQ +. So respect that about us.

  20. Aww I just love reading comments on Ivan here in youtube.. It looks like majority of the western crowd is sick of the government's agenda to push the alphabets rights into our throat's. Ivan is a Hero and I hope many celebs athlets musicians stand for their beliefs and not march along.

  21. With the present government in Canada they will bend to anything to support the filth pushed by the Biden Aministtation and their agenda to push that disgusting life style on normal and hard working Canadians. Nothing more than political move to divide the country. Won't be long before the NHL is full blown woke like the NBA, NFL and Major League Baseball which I haven't watched any of them in years.

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