@Arizona Coyotes

Richard Deutsch On The Arizona Coyotes & Potential Re-Location Sites For the Franchise

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  1. So much misinformation on Arizona Meruello was fitting the bill Tempe was just going to get tax breaks. No get it straight Hockey would work in Az there are fans hiwever We have NEVER had competent Ownership or even had an NHL TEAM! The first eight years they sold out when We had a team. Tempe is a liberal college town who used dirty tactics to win. Evil corperations move to Our town.

  2. I think it's pretty obvious that Bettman was sold a Bill of Goods about the potential of a LEGIT NHL calibre arena (and development) coming to fruition and Tempe became the "stop-gap" solution between Glendale and the proposed new home for Coyotes. I think Gary had some credible inside information about this Bill actually passing, so he clung to that dream. Now that the coffee is wafting into Gary's nose, he will have no choice but to pull the plug on this experiment and cut his losses. Now, the pressure will be on Gary to find a new suitable location for this decades long cash-cow. Considering his age, and this failure, I wonder if Gary is now fast-tracking his retirement plans before the owners wise up and relocate him to Boca Del Vista with the Seinfelds and Costanzas. Serenity now.

  3. Three of the best of the best, love hearing from RD, such knowledge of the sports business and him coming to Toronto was a coup for sportsmedia in Canada, i suspect budgeting at Rogers made him too expensive with Bob, once the Mccowan show was canceled RD lasted only a little while more at SN, he moved his young family to Toronto Danforth area and took a chance on our country and sports business, sadly he is gone, probably moved back to the States

    Oh and Johns point about 47 to 53 is taken, but the losing side was only by 3,000 votes or so, so yeah alot closer than one would think and voter turnout was low especially in the 18/34 demo

  4. Never play corrupt politic$….it never ends well… doesn't matter….counting vote$ matter$…..power$ that shouldn't be don't want hockey to work there not the people… works anywhere if it's done right!

  5. the prediction is that Phoenix will be in crisis in a few years due to lack of water.

  6. 7 Owners…3 U.S. Bankruptcy filings. 3 different Arenas. 27 Lo$ing money seasons. Enough of this insanity! Why the NHL owners have followed Bettman blindly is beyond all reason.

  7. From personal experience growing sport of hockey in the succeeds when a group of Canadians are involved in management and participation..transplanted from the Cold Northern reaches..they being the history and passion for the game…desert living but playing the sport that is your national identity..

  8. Gary Bettman is going to raise ticket prices everywhere and then take all of the revenue sharing money from the other franchises to fund the Coyotes.

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