@Vancouver Canucks

Pettersson Adidas jerseys on sale for $46 on

Pettersson Adidas jerseys on sale for $46 on

by icetilt


  1. Loanraven

    Getting rid of stock so the skate can return full time?

  2. TheRealTollah

    Just scooped one up. 65 bucks with shipping, not bad!

  3. forrunner

    What’s the difference between blue and royal

  4. Meh. Be careful ordering from that site. My experience quality is shit and you’re better off ordering from dh.

  5. Grazzygreen

    Fanatics sucks but $60 all in is a Walmart quality price

  6. mrubuto22

    I’ll buy a jersey once they finally ditch that awful colpur scheme. Better than they’ve been since the black but still shit

  7. shadownet97

    You may end up getting a NOSSRETTEP 99 jersey because of how shit their QC can be.

    Buy at your own risk.

  8. ProfessorOfLogic1

    Good find OP, just ordered one

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