@Carolina Hurricanes

Everyone who stayed for the game at work this morning

Everyone who stayed for the game at work this morning

by gene_parmesan07


  1. msh0430

    I called in sick at 3AM. They needed to feel a shred of my pain.

  2. Bright_Light7

    Was just talking about this to my local caniac daycare teacher for one of my kids.

  3. Hotonis

    Yep. How to bring energy to a fitness class when you are tired as f

  4. twowords4you

    Thank God today is a work from home day for me

  5. The_Crypto_Caniac

    I’m too old for this shit I’m dying at my job right now. Have a nice day caniacs.

  6. ppParadoxx

    I was doing surprisingly well earlier and got up right when my alarm went off but I can feel the fatigue starting to set in

  7. walruswearingavest

    I had a breakfast meeting at Benchwarmers at 7:30. Showed up unshowered and in yoga pants. Literally almost fell asleep twice. Going home to take a nap and go to the office after lunch. Despite the loss….. still worth it.

  8. Zaphod_Heart_Of_Gold

    I didn’t even go to the game but stayed with it until the end and I can already tell it’s going to be an early night tonight

  9. Caniac_Nation

    Truth. My drive was 3 hours to get home

  10. Fewquanite

    Started work at 6:30 so I had maybe 3.5 hours of sleep. I’m hopped up on coffee and at maybe 70% efficiency currently but I’m fading fast. Not enough coffee to get me through the day.

    Then have after-work kid stuff from 5-9. Brutal.

  11. juniperdaisies

    I had to get up and talk to my therapist first thing in the morning lol

  12. SpookyGhost27

    “Alexa, show me articles on how to administer an at home-IV of caffeine”

  13. jheshv1225

    I’m so glad I literally have nothing to do today but I am on the verge of just knocking out at my desk. also helps that there are all of 10 people in my office on Fridays and 3 of them were also there last night

  14. bkfountain

    I didn’t even get home in Greensboro until after 4 AM.

    Worth it.

  15. mondaywonderhands

    Ya can’t skip goals. Ya just can’t. Whose stick is this? I almost tripped on it.

  16. Grrrrrracie

    The car ride home was brutal. I am exhausted.

  17. dragons_fire77

    I was texting my teammates at 2:30am, cursing about the game never ending. They’re all in Minnesota, and big hockey fans, so they at least understand my pain.

  18. JMS1991

    I usually wake up at 5 on Friday mornings to go swim. Guess what I didn’t do this morning?

  19. Tyler_66_TCH

    I am, and I left in-between the 3rd and 4th overtime! I got 2 hours and 9 minutes of sleep though!

  20. maiden-of-might

    It’s the start of our half day Fridays, my coworker is out (we are short staffed), and we are having trouble pulling reports. I am sleeeepy and won’t be leaving work at 11:30 😫

    ETA: 100% worth it to stay up and watch

  21. sftwareguy

    We had some people asleep in the stands around us between periods. Going to be tough getting up for the game on Saturday for me, so it’s going to be hard for the players.

    The best thing going forward is we have Raanta and they probably will play Bob. Sooner or later Bob has to run out of gas but both he and Freddie last night were awesome. We will be playing every other night regardless.

  22. GetBackToWorkSlacker

    I work hybrid and usually start at 8. Somewhere along the way last night, I decided today was a WFH day.

    Rolled my sleepy ass out of bed at 9 and went straight to the computer. I just hope my boss doesn’t call because I look (and feel) like complete shit today.

    I can’t imagine how today would feel in the pre-COVID days when I was going in 5 days a week.

  23. CandidateClean3354

    I was following while working last night. I work the night shift. I was in a foul mood when the game ended

  24. GoodbyeToTheMachine

    Jesus Christ and it’s still only 10:37am…..

  25. syd_cash

    I’m a zombie, watched 4 periods at the stadium and watched the other three periods at home. Got a big meeting at 11:00am. Plus little toddlers to chauffeur. 🙃

  26. Think I’m just going straight to bed when I get off at 4.

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