@National Hockey League

Sergei Brobrovsky makes 63 saves during the Canes game.

Sergei Brobrovsky makes 63 saves during the Canes game.

by No-Swordfish4720


  1. Blueknight903

    The Siberian fortress motherfucking SERGEI BROBROVSKY!

  2. JeffUhUhUhGoldblum

    The TNT announcers mentioned that in games where he has 50 saves or more he’s unbeaten.

  3. trip-hip

    He’s unbelievable. As a leafs fan, I gotta give everything to Florida. They deserve it.

  4. Pineapple_Express762

    Thats insane. The 4 OT’s helped but still 😏

  5. Boxman07

    New franchise record! The most before this was Luongo with 57 saves on 60 shots

  6. Scoocha

    Maybe they can allow some more useless padding

  7. BubbaSpanks

    What a fucking stud!! All hail Bob!!!!

  8. PenguinPride87

    He made 55 saves on 55 even strength shots as well!

  9. Spartanias117

    Weird to praise one goalie over the other. Their shots saved were almost identical. Good game to both teams that one.

  10. Steve_Dogg122

    Petition to rename the team the Florida BOBcats for the remainder of the playoffs

  11. Ok_Associate_1042

    Oh hey that’s the guy that the Flyers drafted

  12. DazedConfuzed420

    Everyone remember just a few months ago when the Panthers couldn’t give Bob away with that contract.

  13. afriendincanada

    Good work closing the case Bobrovsky

  14. Fantastic-Ranger3913

    I mean it doesnt seem like that much to be honest…i mean it was 4 overtimes almost completely…thats 7 periods of play…thats 9 shots a period…id gladly take that. Only stopping 9 pucks, pretty easy feat for a pro goalie in the Eastern Conference Finals or at least it shouldddddd be no problem if youre up for the task.

  15. SolidusSandwich

    Bob is absolutely mad, but both goalies played unreal games

  16. Duckdiggitydog

    Hot goalies win championships, expect game 2 to be a shit show

  17. canadianbroncos


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