@Calgary Flames

Chris Kelly vs Trevor Lewis Mar 24, 2012

Chris Kelly vs Trevor Lewis from the Boston Bruins at Los Angeles Kings game on Mar 24, 2012.


  1. kelly could have taken a step back and shed his helmet. You know, like almost all hockey players with visors do. Instead he lunged forward towards him. If it was the other way around, u would be saying the exact opposite like usual. If a bruin does it, u have an excuse. If another player does it to a bruin, u complain about it. A dime a dozen here on youtube.

  2. Lose the visor Kelly, Or step back and take it off and really square up. Buche league. Happy to see Trevor having a good year.

  3. there was space between kelly and lewis. More than enough for kelley to shed his helmet and then square off. Instead, he saw a helmetless kid and lunged at him. You can't really deny what's on tape. Shitty move from a vet like kelly. Simple as that

  4. Kelly didn't lunge. They both threw their gloves down at the same time and went at it so watch the video again you biased fuck.

  5. like i said, there was space between them. Before anyone even dropped the gloves. This situation has happened countless time before. Almost everytime, the player wearing the shield just simply takes a step back and takes off his helmet. Then they square off and fight. Instead, kelly just dove right in. He made the conscience decision to not shed his helmet. I'm not the only one pointing that out. Not a hard concept to follow dude. And the kings aren't my team. Classy comment though kid. Mature..

  6. ya i do play hockey and no they don't have to knock it off. I've seen plenty of fights where they throw the stick, throw the gloves, and then take off their helmets. Only bitches leave it on. You already started the fight might as well wait 2 seconds while they take off their helmets

  7. Im subscribed to hockeyfights,com and u were the top comment. So again, this just proves ur hypocrisy. Say one thing when it onvovles the bruins, then flip flop when the bruins are on the receiving end. The epitome of a hypocritical homer.

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