@Carolina Hurricanes

Please tell me this was heard on the broadcast

Please tell me this was heard on the broadcast

by Fakeit-until-makeIt


  1. Canadianclob

    The hockey guy was talking about it in his recap video lol

  2. cblguy82

    this was a fun moment last night for sure. Love the lack of censoring when the crowd sung it.

  3. Blueduck554

    I definitely wasn’t expecting a get low sing along but I’m all for it, I hope we roll with it but you never know since they can’t censor 20k people singing

  4. Stranger_Dude

    Did I hear “Cha cha cha” on the television broadcast? That’s a new banger, big if true.

  5. furbaloffear

    100% could hear it on the broadcast. Was awesome!!

  6. AmerisaurausRex

    I did in fact hear the crowd singing it.

  7. fleshyspacesuit

    Yes, I heard it. Legions of middle class white dudes screaming “SKEET SKEET SKEET” on the national broadcast 😂

  8. Far-Two8659

    It was louder than the broadcast team.

  9. bigjim7492

    Lol. No Walt. We can share songs with other teams. They use rock you like a Hurricane. We can use “their” songs

  10. rizzycant

    This brightened my very tired day. Explicits and all.

  11. cblguy82

    I captured the broadcast clip and put it out as a new thread for your singing along pleasure!


    It sounded like a bunch of jerks were singing it!

  13. imalocalbeerdrinker

    I want them to adopt “bend over” by pimp-lo, as seen in pitch perfect 3

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