@Boston Bruins

Brad Marchand says the media went too far

Brad Marchand says the media went too far leaking mics on the bench


  1. ironic how the rat's talking about playing only whistle-2-whistle and then skating away; ya, Mr. lick-a-lotta-face, sure.

  2. Says the guy who couldn't keep himself away from twitter and saying stupid shit on that.

  3. I really do not like Brad Marchand, but he nailed this comment. I would love to hear the trash talk but there are too many people out there who do not understand the game and what happens on the ice.

  4. Coming from Brad Marchand the "RAT BasTURD" who deliberately hurt players and almost ended their careers, saying "it's not fair and it's not right" is comical and doesn't mean much. He should have been banned from the NHL permanently. Dirtiest player in history. I'M HAPPY THEY LOST, ESPECIALLY AT HOME!

  5. I’m not a huge Marchand fan, I straight up hate his antics. Reminds me of Avery… I completely agree with him in this point. People have mindsets that should not be messed with. It’s the same reason most goalies don’t like to interview in between periods. If they think someone is going to throw them off they don’t want them listening. Let hockey players be hockey players. That’s what they get paid the big bucks for!

  6. brad Marchand is a discrace to the game of hockey. he's a cheating dirtbag who doesn't belong in the nhl. hopefully he will parish soon

  7. Nobody taking about Brad at 1:00. That’s not gaslighting it’s whatever is the next level Past gaslighting. Brad is THE king of annoying the other team after whistles. It’s his whole deal, his reputation. That being said, as a Canes fan I’m glad we don’t have to pay the Bruins! Their loss was a complete fluke, they’re the best team this year by a mile.

  8. Marchand was out "Marchand" by Matthew Tkachuk. Marchand mastered that style of play and had benefitted extremely well- even getting the Cup in 2011. So I love hearing him whine and Matthew Tkachuk who plays with too much passion. Marchand is just an old man who lost his game.

  9. Marchand was already planning the Stanley Cup victory parade.
    The fact that now he will be playing golf that day is immensely satisfying.

  10. As a Canuck fan, there are strong feelings about Brad Marchand that run through me–but i respect his answer related to Matt. T's comments that were caught on mic.
    Kudo's Brad.

  11. I agree with what Marchand says about the mics, and for not kowtowing to the interviewer attempting to goad him into a negative response.

  12. Marchand is a pretty good hockey player. Love to have him on my team. But he is still a idiot. A coward. A hypocrite And a snowflake

  13. lol I don't buy it. Shit talk is part of the game, but they don't want mics there because they're not afraid of shit talking and it getting put out, they're afraid they get hot miced saying something they SHOULDNT say and it draws attention to them perhaps being racist/sexist/mysoginistic/etc. That kind of trash talk shouldn't be allowed. But outside of bigotry I think trash talk is fine and also an important part of the game. But lets not kid ourselves. Hockey culture has a lot of really bigoted shit attached to it, and personally I think that's what the players and teams are more afraid of being exposed. Because they don't want to change who's actually playing the game. They do like it being a rich boys club.

  14. It brings me joy to watch certain hockey players cry after losing a series… Marchand is one of those guys.

  15. Merchand is right what's said on the ice stays on the ice, forget this crap of mikes on players.

  16. Best Marchand moment was watching him slow skate off the ice in the finals against the Blues causing a game winning goal for STL.

  17. Man If I was playing against u Brad. I play your style of rec hockey dirty player is all u are u useless to any team. But different is I hit u. N u never play hockey ever again. I make sure of that.. Why nobody should get hurt by dirty. Stuff. U nobody

  18. I am not and have never been a Marchand fan, however, good on him for keeping the code in place. He could have buried Mathew T and did not even come close to doing it. Well done Brad. Sorry the B’s got upset in the first round.

  19. Yeah! Blame the media. Do not take responsibility. Mindset, right? LMFAO What a scammer!
    No wonder they've lost.

  20. Never been a big fan of Marchand, BUT he is an amazing player with amazing skills. I'd like him a lot more if he were in a Dallas jersey.

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