@Columbus Blue Jackets

[Brooks] So we’re told by a reputable source that the disgraced Mike Babcock is “far down the line with a team,” and the inference is that the team is the Blue Jackets.

[Brooks] So we’re told by a reputable source that the disgraced Mike Babcock is “far down the line with a team,” and the inference is that the team is the Blue Jackets.

by haz000


  1. cu_sith

    Shut the fuck up, Brooksie.

    (I’ll believe it when I see it, considering the source.)

  2. Conscious-Charity-93

    Well hopefully he has learned his lesson and changed his coaching strategy. We don’t know what was said in the interviews so he may be saying all the right things. Jarmo is not going to hire a coach if he thinks he will treat the players bad. I am not a fan of this guy but if he ends up being the hire then I’m willing to give him a chance.

  3. BeardofDeceit

    I paid intermittent attention to the Babcock issues over the past few years, and these are the highlights as I remember them:

    * Took advantage of a young player’s (Marner) naivety/eagerness to please his coach with the “work ethic” list, causing issues within the locker room and mental damage to Marner
    * Sat a player to break a “games played” streak (that one is iffy, may have been someone else)
    * Verbally abused Franzen until he had a breakdown
    * Verbally abused multiple other players

    If I have any of that wrong or am missing anything, I would love to know.

    Further, if any/all of that is true, why is he more deserving of the job than any other candidate? Even more fundamental: why does Babcock deserve another chance at all?

  4. thethomahawk56

    It’s Brooks. I don’t really believe it. Generally, anything not involving the Rangers he has no clue about.

    I’m not totally against Babcock tbh. If he can show he’s mellowed out from what he was Ala Torts, it could be a pretty good fit for us on ice. If not, keep him far, far away from us.

  5. What a weird way to phrase it. The first thing I think of when I hear the phrase “far down the line” is that they’re barely even being considered lol

  6. Hazy_eyePA

    This actually would make tons of sense on so many levels. McConnell is already paying Larsen to not coach for him this year, and Babcock made tens of millions recently doing nothing.

    He might be willing to take a pay cut to get back in the league, and McConnell might be looking for a deal.

  7. willingplankton

    Well, I guess it’s time to start preparing to be a fan of a different team. I am out if they hire Babcock. I didn’t spend the last decade learning to love these players to feel anything other than disgust that the org would even consider hiring someone with the abusive history Babcock has. Tigers don’t change their stripes.

  8. Soviet17

    The fact that a lot of these reports are coming from journalists involved with the Rangers tells me that Babcock is using CBJ as leverage to get a bigger contract from the Rangers. I really hope that’s the case.

  9. TheMCM80

    I refuse to believe it. I still believe it will be Vincent. Not my first choice, but between him and Babcock, Vincent is the only choice.

  10. P-Rickles

    Well that’s not what anyone wants to hear…

  11. fullmetal_pharmacist

    If Pascal Vincent is a really smart x’s-and-o’s coach, I think we should hire him and supplement him with good veteran leadership to create the culture that went wrong under Lars. Boone is great. Z was missing all last year and will be back. Just need a couple more vets. Maybe someone like ROR. Also would love to bring back Gus at a reasonable price.

    I don’t care if Babcock helps us win if it comes at the cost of the mental health of the players. Many of us have had toxic bosses. They can ruin your life.

  12. redditistreason

    I’m sorry, but I won’t be able to stand by a team that gives him another chance.

    Not that I will even give credence to these rumors. Won’t entertain the notion.

  13. 17IsLucky

    NO. COME THE FUCK ON. We have SUCH a young team and you’re going to give THIS FUXKING GUY authority over them?! I don’t fucking care what he might have told management he still to this day doesn’t actually think he did ANYTHING WRONG with his treatment of young players in the past. Hiring him would be a fucking travesty. Just kiss the mental health of our players and healthy locker room environment goodbye I guess.

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