@Toronto Maple Leafs

It still hurts to think about 😢

I miss them so much already.

by turbanheart


  1. LeafsRealist

    The one shining moment in a 5 year steaming turd

  2. kingex11

    Were you watching the team on the ice or the press box? I don’t get this obsessive love for the guys in the suits. We follow sports for the players. They are what matter.

  3. Yeah that sole first round win in several years awesome, we should have given Dubas the keys to the city and a lifetime extension

  4. kstacey

    Y’all simping over a GM with one round of playoff success and only had regular season success and got taken to the cleaners on contract negotiations every time.

  5. TheGapInTysonsTeeth

    I remember 2-3 days after the playoffs ended and I was lamenting the loss saying I hoped Dubas would do what needed to be done.

    Someone replied that the playoffs were over, “get the fuck over it”.

    I did, and I strongly urge all the members of the Cult of Kyle to do the same.

    He’s gone guys. For better or worse, he’s gone. Your little message board rants won’t bring him back.

    Just be prepared to support the next guy as much as you did this one

  6. Dadbat69

    The same man that used his personal family matters as a negotiating tactic. Pretty scummy if you ask me.

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