@Arizona Coyotes

Luke Lapinski sounds off on Coyotes’ failed arena vote

Luke Lapinski sounds off on Coyotes’ failed arena vote.

Video: Jeremy Schnell/Arizona Sports


  1. Preach on, Luke. Tempe deserves to wallow in the crap of that landfill.

  2. I feel your pain……..Dolphins, Marlins, and Panthers all went through stadium issues. Hopefully you guys find somewhere in Arizona to call home. Best of luck!!!

  3. Hope they build on the otherside of the 202 so Scottsdale or Salt River Tribes benefit from it and Tempe has to look at.

  4. Also 65+ year olds made up 43% of the vote even though they only make up 7.2% of the population of Tempe. Way to go boomers. Bending over the younger generations for decades…"Get off my lawn!"

  5. The Coyotes have been a train wreck for close to 30 yrs. The Jets should've never relocated there. No other pro franchise in any sport has failed as badly as the Coyotes. How many more chances will they get?

  6. As a person from South Dakota who follows AZ sports I feel sorry for you guys, misinformation and lies win again. You guys deserve better, hopefully things will turn around soon!

  7. I think I'd like to see what the tax breaks would be given to the organization for building the arena…and who they would increase taxes on to carry the shortfall. Typically what these no votes are about.

  8. Congrats Tempe, you get to keep your dump and no additional tax revenue.

  9. Current ownership is to blame for the new arena failing. After the Coyotes SCREWED THE CITY OF GLENDALE and were evicted. They got what they deserved! I was in the seats at Gila River Arena and loved the arena. Move to Houston with the team, you'll have the job of your dreams in a much better Sports City! REALLY????……. Diamondbacks? SUNS? Cardinals? This valley is PATHETIC WHEN IT COMES TO THEIR SPORTS TEAMS. Cheering AND Spending your hard earned money for team who never do anything.
    Let's break this down more.
    Diamondbacks-ONE Championship.
    Suns- ONE Championship.
    Cardinals- No Championships!
    Coyotes- No Championships and ONLY ONE PLAYOFF IN 27 YEARS!
    Employing people. How many jobs? Construction jobs are temporary jobs. Concession jobs are temporary jobs. For anyone in the media who covers sports, there are other jobs in other cities would be better opportunities anyway. 27 years in the valley, Countless owners, Currently 3 Arenas(paid for with tax dollars), ONE Playoff appearance(2012) for the Coyotes.
    I was one of those who lived in Glendale and went to as many games as I could as my schedule would permit. Coyotes screwed that up! Now Glendale taxpayers will continue to foot the bill for the empty arena. What is wrong with the Gila River center? Not enough money from ticket sales? HOW ABOUT PUTTING A PRODUCT ON THE ICE THAT PEOPLE ACTUALLY WANT TO SEE. There's no end in sight with (the current rebuild). I don't have 27 more years to watch them fail year after year.
    Coyotes ownership is to blame here!! The fans in Arizona HAVE HAD ENOUGH OF THE BULLSHIT!!! IT'S TIME FOR WINNING!! The only way I would support the Coyotes would be for the team to be sold. Mararello has destroyed this fans loyality. Guess I'm not alone here.

  10. I know that voting turnout tends to be analogous to customer service in that the unhappy (or “no” votes in this case) are always more likely to report bad service from a business than write a glowing review (the yes), so the “no’s” tend to have a more unified voting front. But as a neutral 3rd party hockey fan (Sharks fan) I still don’t understand what any of the arguments against the proposed project that seemed to have impassioned the voters/people of Tempe against this..?

    Can’t help but feel like the Coyotes and their fans got done really really raw here 😬 honestly feel terrible for you guys and hope they’re able to figure out a suitable solution and keep them in Arizona.

    Not to pour salt on the wound but as someone who didn’t even realize this was up for vote until recently (I thought the plans were a GO..) I thought the mock-ups were super badass and was genuinely excited for the team and it’s fans, seemed to be everything the doctor’d ordered for the Dessert Dogs and some MUCH needed stability finally //:

  11. Bro you worked for a corrupt group known as Coyote Ownership. People saw what they did to Glendale and said Not in my town!
    The only people who will miss the Coyotes will be the fans of the other franchises who live in the valley. And even then the arena is only 2/3 filled if that.

  12. Can we finally just move the Coyotes.

    Let’s just stop holding Arizona’s hand

    The NHL has failed in Arizona.

    Move it to any other state or province

    Arizona doesn’t want it

    Players can’t stand playing there.

    People would rather have a garbage dump than hockey – that’s cool. No judgment.

    But let’s move the Coyotes to anywhere else.


  13. Its so dumb. They had a gift of an arena deal. The cash to the billionaire will just be spent later on. Its all corruption and red tape. It reaks of the right pockets not getting padded

  14. Y'all are out of your damn minds. Tempe planned to sell $220 million in bonds for land prep and infrastructure. Who is paying for that the Coyotes or the Tax Payer?

    The total value of the tax break over 30 years isn’t provided in the DDA, but it’s previously been estimated at $649 million over 30 years; in present value, depending on how backloaded the lost property taxes are, that’s worth about $300 million.

    Do tax breaks make money or lose money for the city of Tempe. And before you come at me with "All of the other economic activity" there isn't a SINGLE piece of academic literature that suggests stadiums provide positive economic activity for an area. The only people who saying there was a net positive economic impact were the people selling the stadium. Privatize gains socialize losses is not capitalism. You know what's a good use of money, building a TSMC factory.

    Y'all are putting out misinformation. Get bent you boot lickers. "Omg, the 50 Coyote personnel might lose their jobs, how will the local economy recover" clutch those pearls harder. I love sports, I do not love funding billionaire play things.

  15. What they fail to understand is that companies like the one I work for stand to profit from it failing. The money just won't go to where they wanted it. If working for corporations has taught me anything, it is that everything happens for a reason even if you may not see the reason. There is a motivate behind everything.

  16. As a fellow Tempe resident, there really wasn't a downside to the proposition. The no side almost entirely pushed misinformation.

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