@National Hockey League

Message from the future

Message from the future

by info-warz


  1. waitareyou4real

    And…. The leafs still haven’t won a cup in a league with more then 6 teams

  2. stouf761

    This visor sticker is dangerous and inconvenient but I do love Fig Newtons.

    Also, due to a binding endorsement contract that stipulates I mention Powerade in each comment, I just want to say that Powerade is delicious, and it cools you off on a hot summer day, and we look forward to Powerade’s release of Mystic Mountain Blueberry.

  3. But do the players all use rocket boosted skates?

  4. Testacules

    Teams only wear green screen compatible colors, players are entirely covered in advertising. Digital display issues are persistent, just like the board ads. Austin Matthews wins his 3rd cup as a coyote.

  5. miseenplastique

    >Atlanta is relocating to Saskatoon


  6. Stetzy93

    I bet we start getting digital ads placed on player visors. If the player is sponsored. That is put over the visor

  7. Additional-Honey9062

    Seattle has just won their 4th cup

  8. Minute_Engineer2355

    The leafs win 2 games in the second round and fans react like they won the Stanley Cup, just like the days of old.

  9. kstatepurrplecat

    Detroit still has never won the draft lottery.

  10. Particular_Stop_3332

    Jagr will still have some good years left in him at that age

  11. REAPER-1_xxx

    So it only took the Saskatoon Quakers 97 years to return then.

  12. RaidenDoesReddit

    The ducks just lost the lottery on a generational prospect

  13. Falconflyer75

    Wait we get another Canadian Franchise? And let me guess the drought continues for both the leafs and the country as a whole

  14. dr_van_nostren

    And the Canucks have lost 2 more cups, both in game 7.

  15. ChattyParrot1

    The Flames are doing their 19th upgrade to the Saddledome. No arena deal in place yet.

  16. frostyhawk

    quebec city still doesn’t have a team

  17. Time-Dot5984

    And Vancouver still doesn’t have a cup

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