@Toronto Maple Leafs

[@b1rky] Chris Johnston: “Brendan Shanahan phoned each of the Leafs top players to share the news about Kyle Dubas. Those players came away from those conversations under the belief that Shanahan’s intentions are to bring the entire core 4 back.”

[@b1rky] Chris Johnston: “Brendan Shanahan phoned each of the Leafs top players to share the news about Kyle Dubas. Those players came away from those conversations under the belief that Shanahan’s intentions are to bring the entire core 4 back.”

by MyLeafsAccount


  1. Rowdy_Roddy96

    So after everything we are going to run it back?!? What the actual hell?

  2. CMDRShepardN7

    If this is accurate, I’m convinced Dubas was ready to trade Marner, and said so on the email.

    MLSE would not have liked to lose the Marner jersey money and Shanny knew it.

  3. Svalbard38

    I’m not in support of trading one of them for the sake of it, but I’m concerned to see us going into this off-season with the same “we can and we will” attitude towards the core.

  4. throwaway3838482923

    I like this. Unless one of them asked out, I simply don’t see any realistic scenario where you win a core 4 trade. Now, I could see them brining in a fringe star like Travis Konecny, Tom Wilson or Nik Ehlers. Hell I wouldn’t even mind signing Domi

  5. XPhazeX

    Even with RoR and Accari its doable if Murray’s number is off the books and RoR is around 6-7.

    Ive been against running it back *before* this season but going into next year with the team as is isnt an objectively terrible idea

  6. Kangaro00

    Hahahahaha. “Dubas wanted to run it back, Shanny’s gonna make big changes!!!!”

  7. Anus_Garage

    Dubas haters are going to have fun spinning this one.

  8. Talk about mixed messages all over the damn place ..

  9. StellarLightyear

    Are we full on Keyser Soze here?

  10. howsshegoin

    god I hope holl was also consulted as his future is more unsure than the others

  11. Spacepickle89

    We can and we will. AGAIN!


  12. reignleafs

    We’ll see, I still wouldn’t be surprised if a trade of a core piece occurs regardless. We don’t know how vague Shanny was/ if they were told directly they’re coming back for sure

  13. richarm87

    I think context matters. Did he call each one to say nothing will change and you are a part of our future plans Individually. Or did he say we plan on keeping all 4 of you.

    Also, it doesn’t really matter. Masai told demar he wasn’t trading him. Then, he traded him a week later.

  14. BigMick20

    I wouldn’t expect Shanny to say anything else regardless what he actually does.

  15. InternationalBrick76

    I fully expect the team we get next year to be similar to this years. A GM is going to want to come in and make their own assessment. That takes time. The fact that Keefe hasn’t been let go yet tells me he’s back next year with most of the core.

    I don’t see a new GM coming in and immediately trading away one of the big pieces.

    It’s pathetic but it’s the realistic outcome in my opinion. Hopefully I’m wrong.

  16. MakeTheNetsBigger

    What exactly did everyone expect him to say? It’s really hard to put together blockbuster trades. By default you have to expect you’re bringing them back, because that’s the most likely outcome. And even if you’re very likely going to trade one, you STILL tell them you’re planning to bring them back, because deals can fall through and you want to maintain a good relationship with the player. You only tell the player once the trade is made (ideally), or when you need them to waive a NTC. If there are any rumours or leaks you still don’t tell the player and you deny them.

  17. SimianRob

    I think the biggest thing is, if you sign an extension with Matthews/Nylander, it doesn’t mean that any of the core 4 still can’t be traded (assuming you don’t include a NMC in the new contract). I think it would be silly for Shanahan to call the core 4 and tell them that he’s blowing it all up.

  18. howsshegoin

    I was team RunItBack2TheMax when I thought it was what dubas would want for his coach and core, but now that it appears that it may be motivated by shanny I am firmly against and convinced it will spell absolute disaster and chaos

  19. I dont know why you wouldn’t tell them they’re staying.

    People are crazy here. Do you think it’s smart for management to say, you know Auston/Mitch/Willy, we’re thinking of shipping your ass out but aren’t sure yet. Anyways, have a nice day.

    This gives the team the flexibility and breathing room with the stars, so they also don’t go over the deep end. They can entertain resigning the players or not, trading them or not.

    This subreddit is nuts right now with the sensationalism

  20. Tommybrady20

    Say what you want about dubas… for all his flaws… the likelihood of the next guy optimizing everything outside of the core on the tight budget we have BETTER than Dubas did is slim to none.

    Getting a slightly different perspective on what you want in a bottom 6’er or bottom pair defenseman does absolutely nothing to answer the question of “why does everyone but Willy and Mo disappear when it matters?”

  21. Competitive-Strain-7

    At a contract that is much lower than the one the top 4’s agents believe they could get out of Dubas.

    I also think that Dubas and Shanahan knew this. I also think this is the reason Dubas is no longer GM.

  22. sadrapsfan

    Just saying Masai reportedly told DeMar he was staying before the trade.

    Imothat normal. Of something big comes up, they will take it but other then that, stay put. Changing for the sake of changing dumb

  23. Kamdog11

    I’m looking at it this way.
    Feels like they start sluggish out the gate (either with a new core or running it back) and they fire keefe and go on a run

  24. jokeswagon

    I mean, what message is he supposed to send here? He’s keeping his options open while in a holding pattern. What a shit show.

  25. JRB2000

    I’m torn. I don’t want the next GM to make sub-optimal trades in an attempt to shake things up, but after repeated playoff disappointments the notion that Auston and Mitch will eventually *click* when the chips are down has started to feel naive and utopian. Game 3 in the Panthers series practically killed that hope in me.

  26. trevlarrr

    Maybe we starting to see the real reasons Dubas was let go, from what he said it felt like that wasn’t his intention, maybe it was the “everyone is on the table” comment that changed his mind more

  27. DidntDiddydoit

    What do we have to do to Ballard’s grave to end this goddamned curse?

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