@Pittsburgh Penguins

Jon Gruden expected to receive HEFTY FINE From NFL but not SUSPENDED for DeMaurice Smith comments!

Raiders Coach Jon Gruden expected to receive HEFTY FINE From NFL but not SUSPENDED for DeMaurice Smith comments!



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  1. Antonio Brown gets a pass on what he said and Randy Moss cries he’s hurt? Destroying the hand that feeds you makes perfect sense to me. Good luck with that one.

  2. How is it that Antonio Brown goes off on Mike Mayock and calls him a "cracker" and there's absolutely no mention or consequences?? I'm not condoning Grudens comments. People say stupid things so often (we all do)! Anyone ( black or white) who says there not ever thinking or saying stupid things is a liar! If someone says something stupid in the heat of a conversation or argument doesn't make them a kkk member! Geez!!
    The media is the enemy! If people have racism in their hearts then that's their issue! But this narrative that America is racist is an evil lie pushed by an evil media that suffering from white guilt!

  3. A 100 million dollar contract I don’t fucken think . I think Gruden should be fired for being a shitty coach other than that this is all bull shit and if he gets fired for it then I’ll stop watching the nfl .

  4. Before many young viewers make a comment, I would like them to know of a limerick that I and young Negro (or Colored) children knew of in grade school in the segregated South of the early 1960s: “If you’re White, you might; if you’re Brown, stick around; and if you’re Black, don’t come back!” Think about this when you look a Gruden’s racially, ill-advised remark and look at how FEW Head Coaches, General Managers, and Owners exist in the National Football League (NFL) and many major college football programs. Even the NFL’s Rooney Rule has, unfortunately, not made a great impact in the hiring of Black coaches. It only states that you have to interview at least one minority candidate for a head coaching job. Owners will still hire whom they want! Words have consequences regardless of the color of your skin, the size of your lips, or your somatotype! Mr. DeMaurice Smith is a University of Virginia Law School graduate and a former U.S. Assistant Attorney. Opinions aside, Mr. Smith deserves more respect than what Gruden has attempted to offer in a feckless apology ten years later after this email was discovered and he was caught! When you’re in the dark, you don’t wants someone to turn on the light, which will reveal who you really are!

  5. Has everybody forgotten about Steven Tyler? And, what about people that pays, to have their lips made bigger? Is that racist? Stupid maybe, but, not racist.🙄

  6. Gladiator sports with pussies glad I stopped watching. Next they are saying you can’t tackle him that hard

  7. John Gruden's comments were uncalled for, but they weren't racist. The should NOT be fined, definitely NOT fired. People need to get over this nonsense. Gruden is NOT a racist, and everyone knows it. Stop the phony outrage!

  8. The best thing Jon did was NOT apologize. And no, "I'm so sorry" is not an apology. Never apologize. An apology is never good enough for the mob.
    Never, ever bow to the mob.

  9. What concerns me is an apology for mistakes made decades ago, even if you make them as a teenager is never enough. Does anyone really want to live in a society where there is no forgiveness, where a one and done rule applies to mistakes….but also the rules only work one way? If you're a member of a protected class you're allowed room for maturation and evolution…but if you're on the wrong side of the political aisle say one wrong word at 14 and your life is over. Michael Vick…forgive and forget, give him another $100,000,000 and a job on TV even though he can barely complete a coherent sentence. 18 year old girl in Tennessee says n-i-g-g-a in a Tik-Tok video at 16 when she gets her drivers license….kicked out of UT with scholarship revoked. Either way our society will reap what we sow.

  10. What if the person who dug up this 10-11 year old statement, which is not completely presented or the situation under which it was made, were also asked to examine all the positive things Jon Gruden has done in these past 10 years to praise and support his players and also have his players express the relationship he and his players have for each other, I'm sure the comments by this woke-guided individual attempting to re-ignite the fire of racial division will prove to be nothing but divisive. In fact, I just wonder how many comments this individual may have made 10-11 years ago that would stir up as much controversy as those of Gruden. In this world more issues like this would be and could be rectified by forgiveness rather than fines.

  11. This is America man

    Its getting ridiculous such a bunch of little chicken hearts get upset
    liberal snowflakes

    I treat people the way people treat me if I’ve got a slap around somebody and I’m angry I’m liable to say a lot of things get over it people

  12. This is more than what he said about Demaurice Smith. He's under fire because he literally dropped bull blown f slur while working for the NFL and having the only active gay player in the NFL.

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