@Florida Panthers

The Comeback of Carter Verhaeghe to Toronto

Steve Dangle in 2015: Carter “Toronto Marlies” Verhaeghe 🤣 #montrealcanadiens #torontomapleleafs #floridapanthers


  1. I woulda bet my whole house that verhague woulda never been the player that he is now but of course you guys are posting about us cuz you got nothing going on with that dog shit team 💀🤣

  2. What a dog water trade. Sometimes I feel like I'm the only Leaf fan who sees these bad decisions miles away. The other just gaslight themselves into thinking they are godly moves.

  3. If you listem to this man for knowledge youre doomed and destined to failure he has no idea of what hockey truly is.. all he is .. hes a male groupie

  4. I knew trading verhaughe was gonna come back to bite them in the butt

  5. Dangle jinxed the Leafs when he put the green good luck necklace on. The went on a losing tear immediately after

  6. Hey I need help, what's the name of that great young Russian D-man that plays in Tampa that they got from Montreal?

  7. Everyone who gets traded from the leafs will score on the leafs. Thats the way of the world. Also if a commentator notices a player hasnt scored in two seasons and points it out on the broadcast, he too will score that night against the leafs, i swear we are in a simulation. Lets see how long these fans can see losing before they go insane and trash toronto.

  8. What a lol video. C.V was a Marlies. He wouldn’t have got the shot in Leafs before leaving anyways. It is the story of a player shifting team to get playing time and through that develop < he was a marlies at the time but is NHL’er now.

    Stupid video man

  9. I mean technically speaking they were all Marlies at the time he wasn’t taking their futures into account in that statement

  10. Yeah back in 2015 it was just Marlies. It's 2023. The kid grew up and got in the league. The same way everyone else does. Why does this video exist?

  11. Steve recognized in that that Carter was a good prospect and the biggest loss of that trade

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