@Tampa Bay Lightning

Elliott Friedman in 32 Thoughts confirms Corey Perry will be enter the Free Agency Market

Not particularly suprising but figured confirmation was worth posting. Hopefully he goes to a western conference team and we can meet him in the finals once again.

by dolewhiplash


  1. pointertb21

    Too old and slow, don’t need any of that other than maroon on this team

  2. Three_Froggy_Problem

    Damn, that kind of sucks. I mean I get it, but I really like him on this team. He seems like a great teammate.

  3. Probably a good call because having three old guys on the fourth line is a little slow and they aren’t getting rid of Maroon

  4. guardrya

    I love Perry and have never said a single bad thing about him. Sucks to see him go, but I get it.

  5. dolewhiplash

    My thoughts on this are that I’m definitely going to miss him, I’ve loved his time here, and this is the right move for us. He was great in the playoffs this year against Toronto, but they’re a really slow team; and there’s no guarantee we even play them again next year. We need to get faster and more defensively minded in our bottom 6 if we’re going to keep up with the younger teams in our division that were on the brink of playoffs this year.

  6. gongshow26

    While I love Perry and how he contributed, that 4th line needs to get faster. They were a complete liability in the defensive zone all season and could not keep up come playoffs.

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