@Edmonton Oilers

The Possible Replacements for Cody Ceci

The Possible Replacements for Cody Ceci


  1. Mayfield is the answer. He would settle nurse down also he would help the pk. Can be a leadert in the room. Trade Ceci for a 3rd or 4th.

  2. Dumba kneeling, fist in air? I like hockey with my family not bad politics.

  3. Nurse's grade A shot mistakes are 1.88 per 15 minutes ES, Ceci 1.63 per 15 minutes ES, Bouchard 2.05 per 15 minutes ES clearly problem is not Ceci and the problem is Nurse, Bouchard. Nurse's numbers won't get you to the Stanley Cup. Nurse was the problem or partially the problem on 21 of 42 of the opposite team goals 2022-2023 playoffs. Find a replacement for nurse.

  4. Not sure why we have to run Ceci out of town on a rail. If you want to look at over paid defencemen look no further than Darnell Nurse…he should be no more than 7 mill tops not 9.5 or whatever (can't fix that problem though). We can however fix the defensive system and dump the man on man coverage that lost us the series to Vegas. The defense shouldnt be running around chasing guys to the blueline leaving Nuge or Yamo in front of the net to cover guys

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