
The state of the Dallas Stars stands right now

The state of the Dallas Stars stands right now

by YugeFrigginGoy


  1. frickthebreh

    A lot of our fans did the same in Game 2 of the Edmonton series…let’s not throw too much shade.

  2. unfortunatelyidied

    Well when your captain leaves 2 minutes into the game and you have work tomorrow maybe some extra sleep is in some order

  3. Btown696

    Hats off to the fans who stayed (assuming they weren’t throwing things earlier).

  4. Material-Fish-8638

    Looks like Tropicana Field in the 9th inning

  5. Battlehead

    Reminded me when the oilers did this right after they gave the knights fans shit about it.

  6. EazyParise

    Couldn’t have happened to a nicer bunch

  7. ConfusedKanye

    absolutely pitiful performance by Dallas tonight. That cross check was completely fucked. Way to put on a performance for your fans Dallas lol

  8. Talinn_Makaren

    The embodiment of better luck next year.

  9. If I paid hundreds of dollars for playoff tickets, I’m staying till the horn. Idc if it’s 12-0

  10. UGAPokerBrat99

    Dallas fans that were left at that point couldn’t have even filled up Mullet Arena.

  11. nitrocoldbrew_

    I was there. Sad showing all around. People throwing shit on the ice, horrible sportsmanship, not proud of my city or team tonight

  12. Willsmithsdignity

    I don’t blame them. Especially after some of the fans started gooning up. You didn’t come here for this, so you leave and beat traffic.

  13. GingerBeard_andWeird

    DeBoer, pissing away a team’s talent? I’m shocked. Shocked I tell you.

  14. Stormcrow6666

    I’ve seen more people in the 7am Timmies drive through line up than that…

  15. You know people talk all kinds of shit about #BANG guy but I saw him doing his thing right to the end. Gained an amount of respect for him tonight.

  16. kangaroospyder

    I’m gonna be in Dallas for work and it lined up with game 6. I don’t think game 6 is happening…

  17. AshCan10

    Rip, that sucks, lots of money wasted there, hopefully they make it up to them next game or at least go out with a bang

  18. hospitalvespers

    Those grey seats really don’t do them any favors, every empty seat stands out so much.

  19. Pretty__Ugly

    You can steal the team, but apparently not the culture.

  20. fuckinnreddit

    There were some DAL fans giving us shit for the *exact* same thing in G6.

    “I tHoUgHt YoU wErE tHe StAtE oF hOcKeY” hurr durr durr.

    Oh how the turntables….

  21. MmeBitchcakes

    Fair weather; you gotta support the team.

  22. _Connor

    There’s 3 minutes left in a game they’re getting blown out in lol.

    When the Oilers blew out Vegas in game 4 their stands were half empty with half the game to go.

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