@National Hockey League

Poor canes

Poor canes

by ripthetrees


  1. Spartanias117

    I thought everyone kinda agreed the canes out played florida aside from Florida’s brick wall in the back

  2. Round-Tennis

    A little column A, a little column B.

    You have to give Florida credit for clearing away rebounds and tying up guys in front of the net. But there’s no denying that they were outplayed in every single game…so they kind of got goalied.

  3. Obese_Fitness

    I would say that neither team really outplayed the other. The Canes applied more pressure, but it looked like the Panthers walked in to that with confidence. They knew that they could absorb the pressure instead of trying to open up the game to match the Canes which would have been a likely loss.

    Both teams played to their strengths and the Panthers simply out clutched their opponents. Bob is a big part of this for sure, so is random chance, but I would say that the entire Florida team came up ahead in almost every clutch situation. They worked harder and had a better mental game.

  4. chouchchair

    The canes outshot Florida every single game lol, by like 15 twice. Florida had to play well enough to win, sure. Bobrovsky is on an all time run.

  5. Accurate-Leg-6684

    I think they mostly got outgoalied.

    Conn Smythe front-runner and it’s not close.

  6. SteakCakeman

    Closest series in the playoffs this year on paper, and especially if you watched any of the games. No one got outplayed, it was game after game of inches. Winning by one goal and having to go through 4OT’s in one of those doesn’t signal a blatantly better team IMO but im probably wrong

  7. cha-cha_dancer

    Carolina outshoots teams more often than they don’t, problem is they’ve had trouble finishing even when totally healthy. I think it’s fair to say Florida played well enough to win the series and that Bob was a huge part of it.

  8. Medschoolmonkee

    Officiating was very questionable, and with 3 major players injured, CAR still outplayed the panthers and the refs. These games were close as close can get, and with proper officiating might have been different. But pLaYoFf hOcKeY and dodo’s like OP will say canes got shellacked.

  9. Far-Two8659

    I find it hard to reconcile being outplayed with playing more overtime periods than games, but whatever.

  10. imaybeacatIRl

    I don’t think that’s correct.

    The Panthers are individually, and collectively(especially team defense), playing some of the best hockey of their careers… but Carolina wasn’t playing poorly. They were just stuck behind Goalie Bob’s god-tier form.

  11. miseenplastique

    Isn’t saying you got goalied by Bob copium?

    *I heard it was copium.*

  12. ScrotumRotor

    It’s funny but you’re wrong. 3 of the games were straight up stolen by amazing goaltending.

  13. framingXjake

    Nah we got outgoalied, but also Tkachuk’d which is double the pain.

  14. humchacho

    How come no one talks about the Canes having a disastrous end to their season and choking hard like Boston and Toronto? Cause they never got anywhere near a chance to win the series? They were better than the Leafs during the regular season. Oh yeah, cause it’s Carolina and no one cares.

  15. CandidateClean3354

    The Panthers fans are claiming they outplayed the Canes .but if that is true only winning by 1 goal each game and a couple in OT .is not a good look

  16. DinnerDad4040

    Lmao come in now. If we take away Freddie and Bob. Canes win 4-0.

    What is,Bob’s saves,above expected like 20…21 now?

    The man is the John Wick of hockey right now.

  17. diecorporations

    The pre round favourite has lost in all three rounds. What a year !

  18. We got goalied, but getting goalied is getting out played. Also, we couldn’t stop Florida’s pushes, which is credit to them. Even though Freddy played great, if we had equal goalies in skill, we probably won. But we didn’t

  19. AeirsWolf74

    Getting out goalied is still getting outplayed.

  20. HufokkinTonite

    Carolinas shots were the equivalent of throwing shit at a wall and seeing what sticks.

  21. BlackCherrySeltzer4U

    As if Florida fans can read either.

  22. snark_enterprises

    Both are technically true. The Panthers played a physical and defensively sound game, and yes, they had insane goaltending which was ultimately the difference. So in a way the Canes did get outplayed but they also got outgoalied.

  23. Several_Tangerine956

    Bullshit we outshot them each game and only lost by one goal each game…

  24. Jupiter_Landing2097

    I mean, the goaltender is a player

  25. commanderr01

    Why does no one want too give credit too the goalies in the playoffs, look at all the praise everyone gave Leon in the first 2 rounds for playing outta this world, but when a goalie plays outta this world, no one wants too say that was the reason why, everyone seems too think you can still score on a hot goalie, but sometimes you just simply can’t.. yah kudos for the panthers for winning all those games and showing up in OT but too say bobo isn’t the #1 and maybe even #2 reason why Florida is in the finals is wrong, imo

  26. Showtime98

    I wouldn’t say they got outplayed lol but the Panthers played really good d in game 3 and 4.

  27. Suitable-Pea-8226

    If both of these teams had the same guy in net, it would’ve been a blowout in the Canes’ favor. Nothing against the Panthers, they played their hearts out and deserve to be where they are, but Bob is an important part of that.

  28. CaptainJudge_99

    We would’ve beat Florida. This isn’t Copium

  29. Ecstatic_Snail9016

    I can’t say anything, my team didn’t even make the playoffs

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