@Carolina Hurricanes

Ric Flair is now double cancelled

Ric Flair is now double cancelled

by Jazzy_Josh


  1. randydweller

    Scotty finally has some competition for shittiest fake fan.

  2. psyopsono

    My friend’s dad told me that when he worked at a mall in Charlotte, Ric Flair used to walk and yell “woo!” Apparently was always wasted at 9am and was frequently kicked out of the mall. Messy guy.

    I’m not trying to be smart here, I didn’t know he was still alive?

  3. sustainababy

    anyone else remember when they’d play his WOO WOO WOOOOO but it was followed by “yabba dabba dooooo! scooby doooo!”

  4. Edwardc4gg

    hey man, if you paid me to wear a jersey for 5 minutes for some money i’d do it too

  5. UltraJackPlayz

    He likes two teams now even though he’s a Tennessee boi?

  6. JKthePolishGhost

    I’ve asked about his allegiances on this sub before and the resounding answer is **money**.

    I’ll be honest, I’m ok with that. As long as he doesn’t feign actual loyalty to any team.

  7. le-bistro

    I want to say there was a NFL playoff game a few years back where the Panthers were playing 49ers(?) He was in the 49ers locker room amping them up…

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