@Florida Panthers

Share your ‘poverty franchise’ day memories below

Inspired by [this tweet]( and [this one](, share any random memory you have of the team in its darkest days.

I have a lot but, circa 2007-2008, I remember they used to have stacks of vouchers that they would leave at places like Bahama Breeze. Each voucher was good for up to like 10 tickets and the tickets would be a few bucks each when you’d redeem the voucher at the box office. Used to beg my Mom to grab some and drive me and my friends to games on school nights when I was in 7th grade.

We’ve come a long way, friends.

by xavier_laflamme70


  1. Papuchongo

    Not even that long ago, 2012-2013, I would go to games for 20 bucks, parking was free, and give myself free upgrades (sit on glass)

  2. OxfordCommaRule

    I used to buy last-minute tickets for the old Lexus Club, which included AYCE food, beer and wine, off of Craig’s List for $20.

  3. dailybrowser

    I use to get Lexus club level seats for $6 a ticket on stubhub.

  4. bluesf44

    $1 tickets for students in the upper deck back in like 2005-2006. Plus they would give you a handful of tokens as you walked in that were good for a free checker burger with the purchase of a drink. Good times, bad hockey lol

  5. OgreUAsshole

    I have been talking about those vouchers all week! If you showed up after puck drop they would often sit you lower bowl on camera. We used to get em at fridayā€™s across sunrise

  6. yournextdoorneighour

    I remember going to a cats game (and my only one because I live in Ontario) in 2018, there was like 5-10 other people in my whole section and the food/parking/ticket prices was cheap as hell compared to a hockey game in Toronto or even ottawa

  7. chiphappened

    I was a season-ticket holder in those dry seasons spent a lot of money to sit up front got to see one playoff run when we were beat by the devils

  8. AcanthisittaWise8007

    In 2008, me and my high school friends paid $220 for 26 games. You got in the lower bowl 13 times, upper bowl 13 times.

  9. No_Trade1424

    As a Canadian this shit is nuts, I would be st the rink everyday for those prices.

  10. Cold-Fee-305

    Around that same time, they had the holiday pack promotionā€¦ wed get a 5-pack of tickets. The promo stated that, if the Panthers won a home game, youā€™d get an additional ticket to a future home game for free! I did that for a couple of years . I think we won one of the 10 games šŸ˜‚

  11. I donā€™t remember the years but it was probably between 2006-2010 and they would give you free tickets for buying a combo meal at Burger King. Like $6 for 2 tickets. Canā€™t beat that.

    Then another year they had a ā€œfirst timersā€ promotion. All I had to do was say i had never been to a game before and show ID and collect 2 free tickets

  12. mikeyrs1109

    Around 2008 they put our names on the seats as an incentive to keep buying season tickets.

  13. gay4molemannn

    Vouchers and the tarped corners of the upper bowl

  14. anonymous_ch

    08ish orthodontist ticket vouchers, much like you – and then theyā€™d move you down for the cameras.

  15. KennessyOTR

    I remember $7 nosebleeds my mom would buy so we could go to games when I was jit lol

  16. GeoJoopis

    Sometime in 01-04 friends and I got cheap tickets and drove down from Martin county, traffic must have been bad cause we sat down in our seats 8 mins into the first. We were down 5 nothing to the Canadiens.

  17. doyouunderstandlife

    I remember back around 2011 I showed up to the game for Halloween dressed as a Ghostbuster and my friend as a banana and spent literally $0. The parking was free back then (no need for Sawgrass) and the box office lady loved our costumes so much that she gave us $30 tickets for free. Part of me misses those days but we were pretty shitty so I don’t miss that

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