@Montreal Canadiens

Could Cole Caufield LEAVE The HABS ?? Montreal Canadiens news & RUMOURS

Could Cole Caufield LEAVE The HABS ?? Montreal Canadiens news & RUMOURS

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  1. Would be a mistake in Philly. Philly is a more physical play team Cole won't perform as well as in Montreal

  2. Let's say that Caufield wants to leave, and we do end up getting 4 1st round pick, I trade the 3 latest ones to get second or third of 2023. 2 picks out of 5 for this year surely will be worth it's weight?

  3. Cole Caufield should leave if he wants to leave. I think he's had the idea in his head since Danault left. Maybe. I'm afraid he gets hurt. A LT contract locking him in might not be the best thing. If MSL is in the CH LT plans, then maybe. The minute there's a coaching change, Caufield will fly away.

  4. Keller's 's ability to score goals is not close to Caufield . Caufield can be a real poison on PP and chemistry with Suzuki cant be bought… got to keep our natural elite sniper

  5. I honestly don't care if they trade him, if hes asking for too much then fuck him, we can get an amazing player and prospects in return, so its not like it'll screw the team over.

  6. I like Canfield but not paying too much if he wants more then 8 mil I say see ya in todays salary cap in paying too much it handicaps your team look at price subban etc

  7. Most Stanley Cup winning teams are not built around wingers, unless they're amongst league best players (Ovie, Guy Lafleur, Bobby Hull, etc.). Caufield's nowhere near a league best player (especially with his zero effect on every aspect of the game other than scoring goals).

    Good teams have front offices who are fiscally sound. I smell a Caufield trade at the draft.

  8. The Habs will definitely sign him as I am sure they are simply deciding on the length which will determine the amount.The habs also need to consider their salary cap and how to move the money around.
    What will happen is imo they will pay Cole TOO MUCH so around 7 mil for a short term 1–2 years or 8-8.5 mil for longer.The problem I have is not Cole or Nick I love the players the problem is they are NOT first line players but will be paid as first line players.
    I have a VERY good idea how good Cole will be imo it is VERY predictable.Cole's ceiling will be as a goal scorer he is not an assist player or a guy who works corners or the front of the net.The Hawks had a VERY similar player who was better around the net and they let him go/traded.
    To win a Stranley cup your first line players NEED to have some grit they NEED to win board battles and they need to have a good heads up passing game and COle really has none of that.Nick does have the heads up passing but not much else you need from a first line player competing against other teams top lines so that is TWO weak spots on a first line not a recipe for >>WINNING at any point.NOW as second line players Nick and Cole could destroy they would flourish and make the Habs an unstoppable force but sadly the Habs have second line players playing the first line.

  9. rhumours rhumours lets wait and see. look around you the latest stanley cup series should teach you all a lesson no? look at the Kraken what a year they have had no? and no stars on that team. I think most teams better start looking what the Kraken did right. work ethics is more important than talent alone. Hockey is a team concept. while there is a lot of Me myself and I in the NHL. How can Mr Betman let a team play a full season in front of 5000 spectator and justify a team in arizona where there isn't enough support for hockey? Closing his eyes will not change the situation???

  10. No one is going to offer sheet Caufield 10.5m + , which is what is required for Habs to receive 4x First round picks. It would most likely be 2 Firsts, a 2nd, and 3rd, or we keep him at a ridiculous 9m per season. Tough decision.

  11. Yea im worried, if its anything but a 7-8 year deal ill be pist. Bridge deals right now scare the sit out of me especially with what happened with tkachuk and with cole being american that worries me even more. honestly its a scary thought but if he wants bridge or we evn smell thats hes trying to get to free agency we trade him for someone who wants to be here.

  12. TBH. I'M a huge Caufield fan. But at this point. If he don't want to be part of a rebuild, with a good salary (both good for him and the team. I would trade him to PHI for 1st pick + prospect.
    I don't want his contract be a problem long term, because we gave him the (Marner type of contract).

    caufield Didn'ot even played an entire season. YOu can't give 9M to a player like that.

  13. C fou pareil, juste le fait que tu fasses une vidéo la dessus ahahah les médias à Montréal c’est vraiment quelque chose

  14. I’m not too worried. Caufields the best talent we’ve had since price and not signing him would be a massive MASSIVE mistake but I don’t think Kent Hughes and the team is stupid enough to make this mistake

  15. Why are we so panicked? Why are we acting like Leaf fans on this? The boys are just taking their time to do this properly. They want to see what cap they are working with. No prob. not worried.

  16. How many small wingers do you want ? Teams hit in the playoffs. Caufield wants 8.5 million a year.

  17. He obviously wants too much. His point total was in line to Suzuki's had he scored close to 50 goals in 82 games his projected assist total was about 15. Doesn't play the PK, limited defensively, hasn't proven himself in a full campaign and had shoulder surgery. He's not worth more than Suzuki.
    Sign him to a short term deal giving him the money he wants, take him off Suzuki's line and see how he does…go from there. Suzuki's +/- improved playing with RHP anyways.
    Winnipeg wants Suzuki for PLD, not happening.

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