@Vancouver Canucks

J.T. Miller Draft Day Trade Rewind

We may not have a pick in the 1st Round of the 2020 NHL Draft… but instead, we have this.

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  1. Definitely a good trade. Although hindsight is always 2020, at the time most fans were worried that we were giving up too much, but not all 1st rounders pan out to be elite players. Much of them are busts/3rd or 4th liners. I think it is worth the risk of trading a mid to late 1st rnd pick for a proven elite forward.

    Unlike Boeser who relies on one-timers and having someone set up plays for him, J.T Miller is a great two way player who can generate his own offense, much like Petey. He isn't afraid to throw his body around either.

  2. "We can't do anything today, but at least we have Miller" and you know what? You're right. Miller is a beast.

  3. Can we get the video where Benning trades Tyler Madden ( rated one of the best already drafted players not in the NHL yet) for Toffoli who is great but was a rental and now may leave the team on free agency day. Smiley face

  4. Buzz Feed List:

    Greatest Canuck trades of all time:
    – The trade for Nazzy
    – the trade for Luongo
    – the trade for Ronning and Courtnall
    – the trade for Miller
    – the trade for Higgy and Lappy
    – the trade for Mogilny
    – who else?

  5. So we won trade, but Tampa took that 1st rounder of Canucks and traded it for a player who helped them win a cup ? I am betting Tampa quite happy with results .

  6. JT went from nearly invisible in Tampa to monster in Vancouver. It’s hard to believe he’s the same player. It just goes to show you how identity in locker room affect player psyche.

  7. 99 points. 31 point ahead of 2nd place. Offensive monster. Defensively minded. Pushes himself to the limit every shift. Puts the team before personal accolades. Can you imagine if the offense was completely made up of JT Miller's? If anyone is worth the big bucks on this team, it's him.

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