@Dallas Stars

Free Talk Friday!

Free Talk Friday!

by doihavetowearabra


  1. Both_Fold6488

    I just….I just want to see Pavs lift the Stanley Cup so badly…..he could go to the Mild (forgive me for even mentioning such a cursed image) and I would still want it for him.

  2. topgundropout

    I loved Robos celebration after that goal!

  3. SaladAintValid

    Robo had such a good night! Im so proud of that dude and the whole team the way they showed up. THAT was a great game! THEY DID IT!!! And I sincerely think they’ll do it again in Vegas. Don’t tell me the odds, something shifted last night…we can do this!

  4. zarkothe

    Heck of a game and loved Olofssons play last night. Call me crazy but I’d love to see a Domi, Johnston, Olofsson line.

  5. trevor22343

    Feels like we’re in Vegas playing with house money now! We avoided the sweep and at least gave Pavs another memorable playoff moment! Let’s see if we can make em come back to the big D!

  6. doihavetowearabra

    I was very wary about going to the game last night, definitely not optimistic about it at all. But it ended up being a great game! Definitely some obnoxious Vegas fans though. The AAC exploded after Pavs scored in OT ☺️

  7. gentleman_bronco

    Really good to get the win last night. I was really digging the Domi/Kíví/Delly line. They definitely made a difference and generated the opportunity for Robo’s second goal.

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