@Toronto Maple Leafs

Is there a more iconic goalie mask of the ‘90s than Felix Potvin?

Is there a more iconic goalie mask of the ‘90s than Felix Potvin?

by the_goalie1


  1. joeygreco1985

    The only mask I would consider buying a replica of to put on a shelf

  2. sizzlessaurus

    Biased answer but no. I had the McDonald’s replica of this on a shelf with all his cards and memorabilia as a kid and I know it’s biased. But no other mask is as detailed and unique. Lots of masks have cool art related to the team or city but his really hits as a personal style. Felix the Cat, so a stylized cat mask.

  3. SquishedOyster

    An argument could be made for Curtis Joseph!!

  4. CoolBeansMan9

    Biased opinion, yes. Unbiased, Ed Belfour is #1 and CuJo is right up there too. Can’t forget Vanbiesbrouck Panthers and Mike Richter as well. Yes, I am just naming off the McDonalds collectibles in which I still have somewhere in my old room at my parents.

  5. _circa84

    Love the unique gif of digital paint, very cool way to show them. I’d love to see Cujo and Eddy the eagle like this too!

  6. Breezertree

    Didn’t CuJo play in the late 90’s?

  7. Modano9009

    I liked the Kings version of his mask, too.

    Also just now noticing that the front design is the same but the sides are specific to the team he’s with.

  8. Dopey_Bandaid

    Cujo was pretty iconic but I still think Potvin edges him out.


    Belfour’s eagle mask would be up there, too

  10. CrazyCanuck88

    Somehow I read iconic as moronic on my first pass and was getting ready to come in here and fight someone.

  11. BruceWayyyne

    Ed Belfour and Martin Brodeur both come to mind as having more iconic masks.

  12. Mindfield87

    Anyone else have the McDonalds little mask replicas way back? I remember having all of them, Potvin, Roy, Belfour pretty sure, Vanveesbrook (unsure about spelling) and can’t remember the rest. Always thought Potvins goalie mask was rad as a kid

  13. Conscious_News4700

    My top 3 in no specific order are Belfour, Cujo, Potvin. All played here.

  14. Jaymesned

    I just recently learned that Goalie Mask Collector exists and now I know how I’m going to go broke.

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