@Vegas Golden Knights

Button on Pietrangelo suspension: ‘The punishment did not fit the crime’

TSN Director of Scouting Craig Button joins Jay Onrait to share his reaction to Darnell Nurse and Alex Pietrangelo both receiving one-game suspensions, and which defenceman’s absence will hurt their team more in Game 5.


  1. Well one is a legitimate number one defenseman and the other is a massively over paid plug who should be on the third pairing… so that should answer your question

  2. Nurse getting a suspension is fine provided Pietrangelo was received a 2 or 3 game suspension.

  3. forget this game but Craig Button is the Best, and I mean the Best, hockey man in the game … let us see much more of him please !!!

  4. So let me get this shit straight. A fight that was mutually agreed to gets the same punishment as someone swinging their hockey stick like a fuckin sword at someone? Best game, best athletes, trash league

  5. Oilers win this suspension show down but just barely.
    Pet should have gotten at least 2 games thou.

  6. He should be gone for the rest of the playoffs but the NHL does hate player safety so it is not suprising

  7. That was not instigating. There are more obvious instigators when a fight happens after a clean hit and they are never called. There was 2 instigators called in the final 5 minutes this season already, neither resulted in suspension.
    To say what Nurse and Pietrangelo did are the same level of play the NHL wants out of the game is obtuse.

  8. The NHL has done poorly under Bettman and he has done his best to expand in the US and pi++ed on Canadian cities. The referees and the league do harm to Canadian teams. Everything favors US teams. 😎😏😏

  9. The refs should be accountable, they lost control
    Kanes crosscheck to the face should of been 10 games considering he’s a repeat offender.

    1 game each is fair considering.

  10. NHL is a mess. 2 refs, 2 linesmen and video review yet there are missed calls constantly. 1 game for an over the head swing that connects? NHL has opened a door that they will not like.

  11. The difference is that one rule is set in stone and the other is subject to interpretation. Final 5 minutes, instigator penalty: automatic suspension. What Pietrangelo did was pre-meditated, un-provoked, and a two-handed slash that began with his stick pointed 90 degrees skyward. I'm not homering for either side, but that should abolsutely be more than 1 game. Alas, it's the playoffs. To say that calls are made or not made to even out the balance of unfairness is exactly the problem with DOPS and referees this season.

  12. If bunting gets 3 games for bumping somebody passing by and the other person two hands somebody like he’s on team Iceland from the mighty ducks, it definitely should be 3 games also😅

  13. Once you swing your stick over your head to make a non-hockey play on a guys arms/head area, you need a multigame suspension to send a message to other players that this is not acceptable. I'd look at a 2 game suspension since I don't think Pietrangelo has a a history of dirty play.

  14. Your missing the smoking gun Craig! EVERY SINGLE TIME this season they had handed out an instigator penalty in the last 5 mins of the game, the suspension was rescinded!!!!!! This just HAPPENS to be the first time they actually give it out???? stop licking the balls of the NHL and save some face.

  15. Actually the punishment was far too lenient for the fact that he could have broken Leon’s wrist(S) with his full overhead slash!! In Game 6, I think Nurse should do it to Pieteangelo and see if everybody feels the same way about it then!!

  16. Way to flip the script Craig. Right after the night before you said you thought there shouldn’t be any supplemental discipline. About as good of consistency as the Department of Player Safety itself.

  17. Sorry Button, but it should have been rescinded based on the totality of the circumstances. Of course, it's not a surprise as Parros and the NHL are clowns and it wasn't looked at with as much intelligence/scrutiny as it could/should have been but whatever.

    In the end, the oilers lose the better player and because Vegas wanted to fight and injure, they end up getting a better deal out of it all. Figures 🙂

  18. The instigation suspension is fine. Even if they spoke beforehand, Hague wasn’t near him and was tied up with another player in that moment. You can’t properly argue based on what was seen. We don’t know exactly what was said between them, but unless they’re both facing each other and starting the fight, then yah, it was the right call.

    The other case though, yah, that should have 100% been at least 2 games. Terrible optics for the league giving them both the same. That was thuggish behaviour and has no place in the game. Pure intent to injure (a star player for the other team no less).

  19. Button is on the money. Should have been 3 games and 100.000 fine for Pietrangelo.

  20. sportscenter is suppose to have the best commentary for the NHL…. wtf am i wiatching? this is garbage. only one person deserves to have his opinion heard in this conversation and its not the guy that has a million pages of notes in front of him.

    the NHL is a joke.

  21. So so agreed that AP should of gotten at least 3 games for intent to injure. It has nothing to do with was Drai hurt or not, it has everything to do with his intent.
    It’s really clear this season that when teams are really loosing a game they seem to really start to play dirty, so that next game is easier. I’m not saying the Oil are saints, but that was as blatant as it gets when it comes to intent to injure. How the NHL player safety can only give out 1 game makes me question their mental state..

  22. OMG. Onrait, give it a rest. Whatsa matta? The next segment was not ready and you were just stretching this one by being a contrarian?

  23. And yet they didn’t do anything to Kane for acting like a goon. He has a history of always giving Vegas trouble

  24. Dude on the left doesn’t even see that Hague took an elbow right before nurse jumped in to fight Hague… guy on the right had it completely correct

  25. Thankfully, I don't have to listen to these two very often. Broken arm? Remember Clarke in the 72 series. "The guy was killing us."

  26. Mark Stone and Jay are correct, the league is way too soft. Stop dissecting good hockey, punish the garbage only.

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