@National Hockey League

Everyone Watching the Conference Finals Tonight

Everyone Watching the Conference Finals Tonight

by RRT4444


  1. daisychain82

    And we all know Dallas’s record when it comes to OT this season. 😵‍💫

  2. Memorex3669

    Hopefully no more PK stupid comments.

  3. haihaiclickk

    I remember a time when we hockey fans actually liked to watch more than 60 minutes of hockey.

  4. 2WhomAreYouListening

    Well that was disappointing.

  5. tnt6673

    I’m just glad that Dallas finally won.Ddidn’t have their head up their ass like the other night,didn’t get swept out the door like Carolina,let’s see if they can pull off a sweep of 4 wins wouldn’t that be awesome. Great odds for Las Vegas bookies.

  6. Rendole66

    How many more times are we gonna post this meme when a game goes into OT? Can this be the end please

  7. JKolodne

    I wouldn’t mind all the OT if I didn’t live on the east coast and struggle with lack of sleep

  8. frankrocksjesus

    It’s not overtime hockey it’s *extra* hockey 🔥

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