@Winnipeg Jets

[McIntyre] Opinion: Jets could learn from the success of Florida and Vegas

[McIntyre] Opinion: Jets could learn from the success of Florida and Vegas

by Magical57


  1. Rhythm-Malfunction

    Can’t teach someone who’s not willing to learn. Jets have to want to change first and foremost but that doesn’t seem to be the case.

  2. AaronC14

    Florida I can admire a bit but not VGK. They play in a city young guys want to be in and they started their saga by getting a team full of second liners. Of course they’re good. I know 5 years ago we thought they’d be bad but we were wrong.

  3. Grant1972

    I don’t buy this draft home grown talent thing. I find it’s just romanticized fan stuff.

    You draft best player available (BPA) every time.

    However, you don’t need to be a “Sherlock” to see McCrimmons’ Wheat Kings influence in Vegas and Jets success with Northern US scouting. I would also say that NCAA player development leads to older more ready players compared to WHL.

  4. I mean, Flordia absolutely but vegas still doesn’t impress me. They have not had as nearly a tough road to get to the cup. I honestly don’t think they have a shot against the panthers and would much rather see the jets try to emulate the cats.

  5. ColdPrairieHockey

    Chevy can from a trade standpoint can. Lesson is don’t be afraid to flip assets for a player you know makes you better and fills a void in your lineup.

  6. daveymick

    Oh we could learn lots. But we won’t.

  7. RollingThunda99

    That Paul Maurice guy seems pretty good! Maybe we should give him a shot as coach.


  8. Igglith

    so have a goalie get hot at the right time and go way over the cap

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