@Colorado Avalanche

Mark Borowiecki vs Josh Manson Jan 13, 2016

Mark Borowiecki vs Josh Manson from the Ottawa Senators at Anaheim Ducks game on Jan 13, 2016.


  1. Borowiecki and his infamous balance issues. Draw, no winner in a fight like this lol

  2. Borowiecki had a change of heart when he saw who he was dropping them with lol

  3. Anyone see how the stupid refs were about to jump in when they went to center ice but they started throwing before they could get in the way? jesus give em a second to get settled and let them kill each other

  4. You got beat then hit him while your both on the ground, why…………If you cant stand up and fight then have your opponent get on the ground too and just wrestle eachother jesh. CHARA VS BOROWIECKI WRESTLEMANIA 18771

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