@Calgary Flames

Jarome Iginla – Calgary Flames Career Tribute

In 1219 games, 525 goals + 570 assists = 1095 points.


  1. He played as if he was inside an EA Sports NHL game! Always my favourite, even if retired. And always a Flame at heart

  2. Few people remember that Iginla was the one who fed the puck to Crosby in OT of the 2010 gold metal game

  3. This is for sure the best Iggy compilation. I would love to see one of only his fights.

  4. I’d give anything in the world to relive these moments I once shared with my late father, best times ever

  5. I felt the need to watch a legend during social distancing time. Thanks for making this vid AC!

  6. Had ffw past game 7 that never should’ve been. It will for always be painful. Gut wrenchingly painful.

  7. Dayem they sure don't make players the way they use to. Tough, strong, can fight, can score and a great leader. What a monster Iginla was.

  8. As a Flames fan I've been a fan of your content for a long time AC. If you have the time/interest, it'd be cool to see a video of all the Iggy highlights you have from just 2004 run (and a Kipper video like that would be sick too). Thanks for all the great videos!

  9. When Calgary played the red wings I was always excited, cause this guy played hard

  10. Iginla was by far the best player for his time. He had heart, courage, skill, and was just a beast. Calgary just could not put him on top.

  11. Came back to watch this after the Gaudreau saga. Really makes me appreciate the person Jarome was even more. We were lucky to have this man.

  12. Pochodze z Polski i jestem wiernym fanem Plomieni od wielu wielu lat W histori Plomieni nigdy wczesniej ani do chwili obecnej nie bylo zawodnika takiego formatu jak Iggy i pewnie prawdopodobnie nigdy wiecej nie bedzie Iggy to legenda nie tylko Plomieni ale hokeja na lodzie Najlepszy z najlepszych Szkoda ze nie udalo mu sie zdobyc pucharu Stanleya a bylo tak blisko Ale jego dokonania sa i tak wielkie Niewielu hokeistow moze sie pochwalic takimi osiagnieciami co Iggy Iggy i Plomienie na zawsze w moim sercu

  13. There should be a new award given in the NHL named after him for the player that best exemplifies goal scoring and toughness

  14. After all these years… There still hasn't been another player on the Flames… nay the league like Iggy. Not only an amazing hockey player, but an even better human being by all accounts. Imagine if he was playing in today's NHL.

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