@New York Islanders

Patrick Kaleta vs Matt Martin Feb 4, 2012

Patrick Kaleta vs Matt Martin from the Buffalo Sabres at New York Islanders game on Feb 4, 2012.


  1. @TheUncertainPerson because when avery didn't fight a goon such as prust (obviously not saying prust tried fighting avery) u had an excuse. But when kaleta didn't fight prust it makes him a "pussy". So u obviously flip flip on ur opinions when ur team is involved…also, u wrote a whole paragraph about fighting 1st liners/fighting only smaller players. Which i proved to be false. So u should just end the hypocrisy and just be happy that i educated u. You're welcome.

  2. @jtl6713 hockeyfights,com is pretty bad. Any fanboy can make a name and vote. Dropyourgloves,com is more accurate. Any review can be challenged and subsequently pulled. No homer fan boys allowed…no it doesn't make him the best pound for pound fighter. That's like saying John erskine was the heavyweight champ cause he beat laraque. Kaleta fights like 5 times a year. He's got 5 wins, 6 losses, and 11 draws. His fights are getting better but he was a punching bag for a while. Real bad.

  3. @burymeinsmoke47 so turning around and punching someone in the face isnt a sucker punch? I would like to hear your definition of this word

  4. @ijustmadethisify Merriam-Webster sum it up well:

    Definition of SUCKER PUNCH
    transitive verb
    : to punch (a person) suddenly without warning and often without apparent provocation
    — sucker punch noun

  5. @NHLbrawler except for the fact that he was trying to get his team going and they came back from being down 3-1 to win 4-3 but other than that yeah it really backfired

  6. I don't know how anybody is saying that Kaleta lost. It was pretty even, and well Martin was the one who skated away bleeding.

  7. @NHLbrawler how did it backfire i would call it a draw and if you look at the damage martin got the worst of it good scrap

  8. Good fight. Kind of cheat for Martin to throw that early one when the fight really hadn't started. Kaleta did a good job firing back. I didn't know he could fight that well.

  9. these announcers must not watch much hockey. "these are biiiiiiiiig boys" kaleta really isnt that big. nice fight tho.

  10. kaleta went toe to toe with martin. But we'll pretend that he "Held on the whole time". We'll also pretend that greg campbell isn't the worst fighter in the NHL..

  11. the 2010-2011 islanders there were tough charcters in there Michael Healy, Zenon Konopka, Trevor Gillies, Matt martin,

  12. Sorry islanders fans I like your home and away jerseys but these 3rd jerseys are hideous and god awful.

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