@National Hockey League

Stanley Cup Winning Team Captains since 1924

Shoutout to u/Kapeter for the idea! I went a little deeper and documented the name and nationality of every captain of a Stanley cup winning team since 1924 (the first year I found that had a captain). The results aren’t that not worthy but I wanted to do a full deep dive into it.

Here’s the document with all the info if you’re curious to see all the data:

by ScottyG250


  1. farstate55

    But, what’s the point though? Everyone already know that Canadians love hockey, Russians couldn’t play in the NHL until the 90’s (and kind of still can’t again), America doesn’t care about hockey, and Scandinavia has to super earn it to get here.

  2. terynosaurus

    There was a British, Cup Champ Captain???!

  3. North_Ad_8935

    Anyone know who the 3 American Captains are?

  4. LeGordonRamsayDuWeed

    Please post this on the tampa bay lightning sub, they think they invented hockey…

  5. MKWIZ49

    2/3 remaining captains this year are Canadian too

    The exception being Barkov

  6. Minute_Engineer2355

    If Florida loses the next round, add another number to Canada.

  7. Fun_Salamander8520

    So you’re telling me a canadien dominated sport has more canadien captains? Whodve thunk it…

  8. FriendlyTennis

    I disagree with calling Johnny Gottselig a Russian. He was an ethnic German from a Swedish district of the Russian Empire that is modern day Ukraine. There’s no way he ever applied for a Soviet passport and he probably only spoke German with his parents since Russian didn’t become widespread until the Soviets centralized the education system.

    He immigrated to Canada the same year he was born so he was Canadian for all practical intents and purposes.

  9. OzzieNewYork

    Look at the trend though! More Americans and Russians coming up over the next 20 years.

  10. Magmaster12

    If the Panthers win we will have the first Finnish to win.

  11. Skarimari

    At least the cup spends most of its summer’s here.

  12. fillmeupdad

    If only Modano was a captain when Dallas won

  13. Jlnhlfan

    I believe, for the US, it was Derian Hatcher, followed by Dustin Brown twice.

  14. Substantial-Use-7758

    Yep, the Brits can do more than just drink tea and eat crumpets. They can also bring home the Stanley Cup!

  15. Algoresrythm

    I’m surprised their aren’t more Russians , but I suppose the stats do start in 1924 when their were just six teams and no Russians in the league for a long while.

  16. MarsupialJoeXXL

    And this isn’t Canadian nepotism either. It’s just cause Canadians are the best hockey players in the world

  17. Skurttish

    I wonder what role having English as a primary language plays in this. I don’t know how to find out

  18. DorianTurk

    Wow, as a Stars fan I didn’t realize we had one of only two US born Cup captains.
    Cool trivia fact.

  19. thenewpilot

    As someone from Scotland who can say I’ve hockey is barely even a thought to the population it makes me proud we still have a Stanley cup champion!

    R.I.P Charlie

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