@Toronto Maple Leafs

This Has Gotten OUT OF CONTROL..

Nhl playoffs highlights today 2023 michael bunting hit on erik cernak earned him a call from department of player safety and the result was harsh, but the OVERFLOW of conversation afterwards is out of control. Nhl highlights today 2023 toronto maple leafs news bunting cernak sheldon keefe interview wes mccauley leafs highlights nhl tonight playoff series matchups game 2 michael bunting check nhl 2023 hockey highlights hits toronto maple leafs vs tampa bay lightning aka lightning vs maple leafs nhl playoffs
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  1. I've been watching NHL hockey since the 1970's and I think any hit like this should garner a suspension for the amount of time the player that got hurt is out. Just my opinion.

  2. Off his feet and away from the puck, he should be glad to have only gotten 3 games. Clear and deliberate intent to injure.

  3. Watched a lot of Leafs games this year. He’s a guy you absolutely hate as an opponent but he’s proved to be a good player. This is his worst moment by far but at times he looks like a guy who thinks he’s bigger than the jersey he’s wearing 🤷🏻

  4. I think you are right we have all seen worse hits get less in the playoffs. It is clear in this case it was NOT the head contact but his loss of balance causing him to fall on his back awkwardly with force injuring him. This is a back injury.

  5. I'm a Tampa Bay fan, the most Bunting should have been suspended for is 1, maybe 2. 3 is to much tbh.

  6. Could you ever see an NHL playoff suspension for an illegal hit be equivalent to injury time sustained by the other player? Think it would decrease the amount injury prone attacks but I could see cases where someone may be unjustly suspended (accidental). I want the Leafs to win but not playing with dirty hits like that.

  7. Two things can be true at once it’s a stupid hit that probably deserves a suspension however it can also be said it’s inconsistent considering what else has been given three games

  8. Any illegal infraction that results in the injury of a player and the suspension of the offender. That suspended player should be out until the injured player is able to play again.

  9. Shitty hit. Deserved a 3 game suspension. But the fact other players have made worse hits and gotten less games is a fucking joke. I can all but guarantee there will be another questionable hit like this and that player won't get a 3 game suspension. It seems like a "leaf tax" of an extra game for every suspension.

  10. 3 games, come on, it doesn't make sense. Maybe we should ask the newest Tampa, Wes M. For his opinions.

  11. He was lucky he only got 3 games. Should have been more. NHL DPS should have sent a message that this type of hit doesn't belong in the game. Bunting knows full well that this was a dirty hit and should be thanking the DPS for going lightly on him. This guy looks like the second coming of Sean Avery but with a dirty streak.

  12. If you don’t take into account who is getting injured what’s stopping Pat maroon from chopping Matthews wrists off and just serving a 1 game suspension?

  13. Cernak never had the puck, was never in the play, had no reason to be contacted (even in an excuse of he was about to get the puck). It was a clear dirty hit to the head with an elbow with intent to injure. Plus the fact that Bunting may have been retaliating from the previous penalty.

    This type of hit needs to be severely punished and should be nowhere near the game.

  14. 100000000% bias against the Leafs,Dumba did 10 times worse and got nothing,oh ya he has BLACK PRIVILEGE

  15. Every elbow in hockey is intentional. Unfortunately, there are assholes in this world that love to do this shit. Granted, NHL rinks are modern day gladiator arenas from back in the day. They just cleaned it up a little.

  16. There was also the powderpuff crosscheck that was called and the non slash slash. A BAD game for the officials. Inconsistency is the devil. Banish McCauley!

  17. Leafs Nation, Fight back, hold up signs at the rink.
    Your BIL is and your a fraud of a Ref.

  18. As a Leaf fan, I'm okay with Bunting getting thrown out. He was the best player for Tampa game 1.

  19. 1. Wes should not be officiating any game with Keefe involved as there is a conflict of interests
    2. Next day after Leafs game Nosek from bruins did the same to Staal and didn't get even a minor. I'm not saying Bunting should not be punished, I'm saying that refs should be consistent. Rules should be the same for everyone!

  20. HHMMM borderline that's a one game maybe two there's alot of way worse hits then this officials need to be a lil tougher on certain issues this is not one

  21. 3 games was the right call in my opinion. It was intentional, the intent to injure was evident, it was away from the puck and the resulting injury means there was a suspension warranted. 1 game would be a joke because of the infraction, 2-3 games was the right call. Leafs won't miss him because he seems to take stupid penalties an awful lot.

  22. I'm still gobsmacked by the hit on Tavares in the March 4th game in Vancouver. 1. head hit; 2. D-man exploded up into the hit, with both skates leaving the ice by over a foot; 3. blindside; 4. late. There was no penalty at all, and as far as I know I'm the only one who was even calling for a penalty. Everybody who commented at all was raving about what a great hit it was. Now we are seeing 4 or 5 hits in the playoffs that are less predatory that that hit on Tavares, yet everybody is up in arms. There's no consistency in reffing these days.
    Likewise, Knies got a really cheap "slashing" penalty for tapping a guy's stick last night while giving chase; but then Kucherov behind the play slashed the stick right out of Samsonov's hand for no reason whatsoever, and the refs let it go. It's insane what the NHL thinks are penalties and what they don't think are penalties.

  23. just google 'cernak dirty hits'. cernak is no saint. he's a dirty player, much worse than bunting in fact.

  24. I don't think Bunting was actively trying to hurt Cernak based on where he is focusing, just trying to get a piece of him for positioning on the turn. Its definitely a penalty regardless, I just don't see the intent to injure, so I think the match was a bit much….. I even understand a suspension…. 3 seems a little high, but given its Bunting I figured they'd throw the book at him lol

  25. It’s evident that the officials have it out for Bunting. 3 games for a non offender is an excess. And no I’m not a Toronto fan.

  26. Wes is one of the best reffs in the NHL i cannot believe hes being blamed at all. Its the right call

  27. The player on the ground turned and changed direction and skated directly in to Bunting who was going straight and never changed direction. Very dumb call, should have been interference on the other guy. He was skating into Bunting and all Bunting did was lift his arm.

  28. McCauley is a terrible ref. I hate the leafs but McCauley has made terrible calls and Toronto has lost all nine playoff games in a row when he's been reffing.

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