@Vancouver Canucks

JP Barry on the Got Yer Back Podcast discussing client Elias Pettersson

This quote was taken from Pierre LeBrun’s Athletic article ( JP Barry was recently on the Got Yer Back podcast from which this quote was taken from.

by Sinochick


  1. elrizzy

    I’ve now seen 3 interviews where JP Barry talks about getting Elias signed long term ASAP, but sometimes the perception is that Petey is going to bolt unless we mortgage part of the future to make playoffs next year.

    What is the disconnect? Are we overly fearful or is JP lying?

  2. carry-on_replacement

    imagine he pulls a matthew tkatchuk

  3. 2BFrank69

    They will show him the money. I’m not worried. Without Petey this is a full rebuild and ownership clearly doesn’t want that

  4. Secret_Rip748

    Maybe JP needs to start wearing a ‘Petey’s here to stay’ T-Shirt to ease our anxieties!

  5. SpectreFire

    Benning once again fucked us by not signing Petey and prioritizing making cap space for OEL, Dickinson, Poolman and ducking Harmonic.

  6. Horvat53

    I am hopeful that Petey will stay and that management has shown that he will be the face of the team and future. That could be a big selling point for a big talent. Of course being competitive and winning is very important too.

  7. Miruzzz

    If someone offers him 12.5 million, do we take the picks and rebuild? Or do we match it

  8. NotoriousBananaHavoc

    Big change of tone from when Benning was GM to the new leadership group seems like Rutherford and Allvin sat him down told him the 5 year plan and he is sold on it

  9. N4ZZY2020

    Early fall? The fuck. Cutting it close to the season isn’t it. Maybe they should be talking to him now. Management not offering a lot of trust with one of their best players. I swear if they lose Petey because they were fucking around….

  10. jordoonearth

    EP40 has a lot of descretion here about the future of the team. I can’t see a way Vancouver could walk away from him at this point. Petey could potentially dictate the number and the term (to an incredibly high ceiling) – but if he demands too much then its going to water down the rest of the roster around him. I’ve always presumed that Petey would rather take term than demand a high number for a shorter contract – in order to have security in case of a terrible injury or something like that while allowing the Canucks to bring in quality teammates around Petey. But he can’t show those cards or it will lead to him being exploited at the table during negotitations.

    This contact negotitation is not at all going to be like any of the other negotiations that the team has faced. The dynamics are quite unique here.

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