@Detroit Red Wings

Chris Kelly fights, bloodies Brayden Schenn after hit on Kampfer w/SlowMo 1/22/12

Chris Kelly fights Brayden Schenn after a big hit on Steven Kampfer, on January 22, 2012. Schenn is bloodied by Kelly’s first or second punch, which NESN missed live but is included in the replay, and if you look closely you can see that the inside of Schenn’s visor is covered in blood. A better angle can be found in the Flyers feed, if its on Youtube.

Slow motion starts at 1:15.


  1. oh i completely agree, crosbys shot to schenn wasnt bad at all, but neither was schenns on crosby and that was my point

    they were both minor things that happen every game, i would never complain about something as little as either of them, however i will complain about how much pens fans continue to bitch about that little shot schenn made

  2. lmao typical bruins mentality , you try to hit us we gonna jump on you unexpectedly, and if another team try to hit bruins player, they get jumped again and play viciously damn bruins

  3. Jesus that was such a solid hit. Good for Kelly standing up for his teammate though

  4. When is somebody going to step up n take Schenn the fuck out, he's a dirty little punk and deserves a severe ass whoopin!!

  5. 00:24 hahahaha to anyone calling Brayden a wuss, look at this guy on the other team looking scared as hell flinching from Schenn. Ya that's right, sorry not sorry

  6. When you think about, fighting after a clean hit isn't a new thing. Haha. The Bullies did it, the Bruins did it in the 70's as well, as did the Blackhawks and Red Wings. The fights aren't about whether the hit was clean or not, but about you hitting my guy on the ice and having to pay for it. Guys stand up for each other. The Bruins do it a lot but you have to understand how closely-knit that roster is. Many of those guys have been together for awhile and have great passion in a passionate city. It's hockey, let it be.

  7. Im pretty sure Kelly went after Schenn cause of how slow Kampfer was to get up, he was obviously hurt and yeah it was a clean hit but its not about if its clean or not. not with the Bruins anyways. they are a tight team, and a tough'n'rough team. its about "hey, you hurt my guy.. now you have to pay for it." thats old school hockey. deal with it. If Kamfer wasn't so slow to get up im sure Kelly wouldnt have done anything.
     Im sure any player on the flyers would have stuck up for their teammate like that as well. its a brotherhood, Lotta people that watch hockey dont understand that part.

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