@Vancouver Canucks

Arturs Irbe on Arturs Silovs performance at the World Championships and the country’s reaction

Arturs Irbe on Arturs Silovs performance at the World Championships and the country’s reaction

by ProphetofElias


  1. ProphetofElias

    Irbe can’t say enough about Silvos. Makes me irrationally excited about Silvos’ future.

  2. broeser99

    It’s great to hear his coach speak so highly of him, Latvia absolutely deserved their medal this year. Trying to be cautious about my optimism but I’m hyped about this kid. Sample size is obviously a thing (can’t forget Martin’s crazy run with us before the back up job,) but at 22 Silovs’ stint last season gave us a lot to look forward to. Hopefully he keeps developing in Abby–to early to tell but he looks like a stud so far.


    Makes me so happy to hear that from Irbe. I met him and got his autograph when i was a kid and he was easily the nicest Canuck i met that day.

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