@Calgary Flames

According to Seravalli, the Flames have talked to Gallant about the head coaching position but aren’t willing to pay him what he is seeking. Seravalli is still predicting Mitch Love will be named head coach for Calgary.

According to Seravalli, the Flames have talked to Gallant about the head coaching position but aren’t willing to pay him what he is seeking. Seravalli is still predicting Mitch Love will be named head coach for Calgary.

by DuchessOfConcord


  1. ButtMole

    Rather give love a chance than overpay on Gallant. I honestly prefer love either way

  2. Hey our owners stinginess for paying coach’s other than Sutter may actually help us out for once

  3. Duck_Caught_Upstream

    Gilbertson said it yesterday, part of why they may have interviewed Gallant so much was to get his 2 cents on Huberdeau

  4. Bradthelamb

    Okay google, play love is all you need

  5. ReactiveCypress

    Really hoping Mitch gets the job. It just makes too much sense not to promote him. He’s definitely ready to get an NHL shot after being AHL coach of the year twice, and he’s already familiar with the organization. With Conroy stating that he wants the team to get younger, I feel like Love will be comfortable giving the younger guys a shot since he’s been their coach for the last two years. I think the team would also prefer not to have someone with a big salary with Daryl being paid to not be there, so Mitch is again the right choice in that regard because he won’t cost as much as a first time coach.

  6. imaybeacatIRl


    I much prefer Love to Gallant.

  7. Ginger-Beefcake

    I heard Savard has interviewed and impressed

  8. stinkybunger

    Not that i want him but thats such a flames headline 😭😭

  9. Visotto1

    Lol, the only coach with a shorter shelf life than Sutter.

  10. LatinoBanana

    Would like to see them give Love the job and give Savard the wranglers, he’s don’t a great job in Windsor

  11. MonkeySailor

    For once Edwards’ cheapness is a good thing lol

    Go with Love

  12. IfICommentDownvote

    We dodged a bullet here boys.

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