@San Jose Sharks

2017 Sharks Holiday Video- A Tree-Mendous Sharks Holiday

The San Jose Sharks search for the perfect holiday tree.

Happy Holidays from the San Jose Sharks.


  1. This video just might’ve made me a sharks fan. this video is so dang GREAT! Happy holidays everyone!

  2. So it's the small things – at 'Selfie time!' Pickles moves out of the way so he's not in the shot, and Dilly gets crazy blinky eyes.

  3. That's how you make great yet simple jokes – shark in your bag is quite common, if you are a shark player, captain… what other steering wheel he could have if not captain's shield, right?
    Also is awesome to watch/hear how they grow:
    Hertl – Oh, I love this song, Holiday sweater! – plus many other funny lines, while in actual Holiday sweater video he said only a single word "Detroit."
    Probably creators were afraid he would ruin that song somehow, back then? Who knows.
    Love shark's holiday videos!

  4. "WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEOOOO!! Snow angelll!" that's the purest thing I've heard from Hertl

  5. Watching this to remind me that half the players are gone. Jumbo, pavs and dillion and Chris Tierney 😥.

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