@Vegas Golden Knights

ESPN’s John Anderson branded a RACIST after he compares Indigenous NHL player’s name to TOILET PAPER

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  1. He blew it? šŸ˜‚ naā€¦your racism came out. You were running your mouth too fast. He knew he was a Nativeā€¦heā€™s a sports broadcaster and doesnā€™t know that zack is the first indigenous player on that teamā€¦that heā€™s reporting on and commentating on. And who else would have that last name? Of course it would have been ok to make jokes like that back in the day because racism was accepted. And if someone said a remark about his people the broadcaster would be racist too. Stfu w that.

  2. Anderson trying to be funny…but .maybe wrong thing to say on ESPN. It is getting too much interest though…

  3. This indigenous Canadian young man should never have been disrespected this way. Anderson was disrespectful to his entire family. This should not be happening to anyone anymore !!

  4. Itā€™s wrong if it was your daughter or son and they were referring them as toilet paperā€¦ you are completely wrong and you should not be the one saying that itā€™s okā€¦ Whitecloud is the only one entitled to be making that decision. Iā€™m disappointed because it tells a lot about a person

  5. Thatā€™s the mentality that people have passed on since they massacred all the native people from their lands and the more people ignore the facts the more people are oppressing the indigenous children and the ones who have not been born yet. They are the ones who should be billionaires and trillionaires not us

  6. Making a belittling comment about a last name isn't right period now a First Nation's names made fun of ALL the time in the past I disagree its a real problem for years north of the medicine line …..

  7. Whitecloud isn't an Indigenous American name, obviously, and he obviously isn't Indigenous American. We do not and have never had stupid fictional names like that except in british government movies and other media imported into America from britain. Whitecloud is a british government "actor" in media sports. The british have been attempting to fill their false mock reservations in Canada, british mockeries of real American Reservations, with immigrants from their Asian occupied zones starting with Singapore since the 1970s to push their british ownership narrative against America. They are trying to reinvent American culture and they are always getting themselves busted by Americans. Their british plans to phase out American Football and replace it with their soccer and changing the names of all the American reference teams and switching their sexual genders is now infamous. This "Whitecloud" is a known british government fraud with a bad phony name that represents no Indigenous culture of America. The communist british are the only ones that need to learn but America has known for centuries that they are incapable of achieving this.

  8. The number of british government trollfarm accounts leaving comments here are incredulous. Black and White Sports needs a british trollfarm filter, as do American corporate media sports leagues and imported media in general. Replacing Americans with antisexual british government "actor" spies is slowly coming to an end, and all this imported british controlled media across America is ending with it.

  9. The number of british government trollfarm accounts leaving comments here are incredulous. Black and White Sports needs a british trollfarm filter, as do American corporate media sports leagues and imported media in general. Replacing Americans with antisexual british government "actor" spies is slowly coming to an end, and all this imported british controlled media across America is ending with it.

  10. Thank you for keeping it real. A negative comment on an obviously First Nations last name by a well known commentator is unnecessary. It depends on how the 'establishment' in his circles are prepared…and 'they' usually are, a slip of the tongue it may be, but it did come out…
    Conrad Naytowhow Montreal Lake Cree Nation in Saskatchewan, northern Canada

  11. Whitecloud isn't an Indigenous American name, obviously, and he obviously isn't Indigenous American. We do not and have never had stupid fictional names like that except in british government movies and other media imported into America from britain. Whitecloud is a british government "actor" in media sports. The british have been attempting to fill their false mock reservations in Canada, british mockeries of real American Reservations, with immigrants from their Asian occupied zones starting with Singapore and Hong Kong and their communist axis comrade countries starting with China since the 1970s to push their british ownership narrative against America. They are trying to reinvent American culture and they are always getting themselves busted by Americans. Their british plans to phase out American Football and replace it with their soccer and changing the names of all the American reference teams and switching their sexual genders is now infamous. This "Whitecloud" is a known british government fraud with a bad phony name that represents no Indigenous culture of America. The communist british are the only ones that need to learn but America has known for centuries that they are incapable of achieving this!!

  12. Again, woke culture twisting the narrative to spotlight racism. "What kind of name is Whitecloud", he says. I found it percular too and didnt even make the native connection because every other surname derived from "White" is English. Even the surname Cloud is celtic. So here we have "Whitecloud". There was nothing in the context that had anything to do with ethnicity. Its a name on a roster and he thought he was being smart. Stop persecuting people based on assumptions and twisting context. Persecute them based on intent. "You people" make fun of Celtic names all the time, except my Newfie friends just laugh it off. I gurantee you 20 years ago no pro athlete is crying over a name chirp regardless of their ethnicity. For some reason the further in history we get from atrocities the more we act like it was just yeaterday. This is for one reason, and one only , (because your government certainly doesnt care about equality and rights of us peasants) , its for division. When you see the bigger picture everyone is going to think youre an asshole for not being as equally offended by the nonsense.

  13. Zach Whitecloud is not Native American. šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø.

    Thatā€™s what white people give the blanket term to indigenous ppl.

    Stay ignorant AF

  14. What a shitty human being!! White people can never change can they? I have personally heard them mocking just about anything that they are not used to! What the hell is wrong with them!
    Fire this pos!

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