@National Hockey League

Happy Pride Month From The Staal Family

Happy Pride Month From The Staal Family

by SeaPrince


  1. Melodic_Syrup_3331

    From “we just want to be accepted” to “you will wear the rainbow and you will like it bigot”


  2. ualbertathrowaway-

    Staal’s: “You should not just tolerate but ACCEPT our intolerance of you.”

  3. Live-Summer-7876

    Why are people still talking about the Staal brothers along with Provorov and others who simply chose not to wear a pride jersey? Why is it a huge deal if people have different views about something and choose not to participate in an activity?

  4. olzabaali

    Pride day, pride week, pride month, pride year… We get it, you are the good people. No one cares.

  5. Imagine thinking advocating for someone’s rights and safety was equal to tyranny all because you believed in a silly sky wizard that doesn’t exist.

  6. Phillipinsocal

    Are the panthers or knights wearing these jerseys this June?

  7. archasaurus

    “I thought those were for reading rainbow night” – the Staals probably

  8. secret_rye

    On behalf of everyone in the NHL and fans, fuck the Staals

  9. OpaMils

    Thanks for reminding me to buy a Staal jersey if they win the cup since yall get hung up on little shit like this.

  10. SnipesW

    Being compliant and supportive are two different things

  11. underratedride

    >*We’re not shoving it in anyone’s faces!*

  12. Pride night pride month pride week pride hour pride minute.


  13. pigman140

    I just enjoy how both sides get angry over the pride Jerseys

  14. Topher-22

    NHL is gonna have a real mess on their hands when Povorov gets voted into the all star game next year

  15. Spocks-Nephew

    Probably hard to keep up the pride for a whole month though. At some point, don’t people just want to chill with their significant other?

  16. beerleaguer2

    I give zero fucks about Marc Staal and his beliefs. He was a great Ranger and I hope he wins the Cup.

  17. edavEnaB

    Fuck who cares… why people feel the need to have everyone see their point of view? Fucking incessant

  18. NewCelebration2290

    Someone had 150+ downvotes 😭

  19. Area51Anon

    This sub is obsessed with both pride month and the people who are anti pride month. Get lives. My good lord..

  20. Beerfoodbeer

    Imagine getting angry at people existing. Whew, some of these responses here, the Staals can take a long walk off of a short cliff.

  21. Superb-Move984

    All he did was not wear a jersey .-.

  22. connor8383

    Keep Jordan out of this, he’s worn pride related stuff for years with no negative commentary

  23. same_same_3121

    Damn, guess MAGA is done with hockey

  24. randydweller

    Jordon is innocent in all of this, just keep that in mind please 🤦‍♂️

  25. AaronC14

    Wasnt Neanderthal brow Mr Staal against rainbows?

  26. Few-Signature8268

    Even the toughest hockey players can support love and equality. Happy Pride Month!

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