@National Hockey League

In 2010, The Stanley Cup was apart of its first ever Pride Parade where it was hoisted by Brent Sopel to honour Brendan Burke, who had passed away earlier that year.

In 2010, The Stanley Cup was apart of its first ever Pride Parade where it was hoisted by Brent Sopel to honour Brendan Burke, who had passed away earlier that year.

by CanadianSamurai35


  1. Particular_Tutor_46

    I fully support LGTBQ rights, but nothing is more annoying than pride month.

  2. SeveralBadMetaphors

    Just FYI, if you hate on Pride, you’re just reinforcing the need for it.

  3. toomanyukes

    **a part of*

    “apart” implies it was NOT a part of the celebration. As in, “away from.”

  4. redwingjv

    Yeah but the whole way the Kyle beach thing happened really sort of sours that cup for them

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