@Philadelphia Flyers

Bob Knight Clips

The end of Season on the Brink; Coach Knight’s greatest hits! No Copyright infringement intended.


  1. Favorite volatile basketball coach I can recall since I get upset like he did as a basketball coach. 😂

  2. Bob Knight is a dinosaur from a bygone era. He was unable to change with the times which ultimately led to his downfall. Heck of a coach in his prime but comes across like a petulant child

  3. I really would have loved to see him coach in the NBA. He did not give one sh*t what anyone thought of him. He never would have given into the coddling mentality that a lot of head coaches in the league have today. He would've either been wildly successful or run out of town lol.

  4. When he told reporter off is what I think of when sponsors were pulling from Nascar and I blame NASCAR for it

  5. A great American. A great human. But he definitely had some flaws. At least he admitted his shortcomings. And he will be admitted into heaven. That's the most important thing.

  6. Bob knight was hard an tough but his players loved him because they understood what he wanted everyone on the team to be part of something special and they were. That's how u go out not like Joe pa at Penn state letting coaches play with little boys! Truth hurts!

  7. Coach Knight got results and he is a fellow Ohioan but the I have no respect for bullies and he is a classic bully and hypocrite. He demands respect but doesn't give it to other. Coach Knight would never be friends with a guy who acted like he does.

  8. I always heard Bobby put his hand on a players thought but I’m that clip it wasn’t him it was another player

  9. Love when he said "You've got a long way to go to be as good as your dad was".

    He shut that reporter right up. 😂

  10. Did I just see Bobby Knight whipping a black basketball player? Wow. He would have been cancelled out in a second and Indiana University would have set on fire if that happened today.

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