@Tampa Bay Lightning

Nikita Zadorov vs Ian Cole & Tyler Ennis vs Alex Steen Nov 11, 2014

Nikita Zadorov vs Ian Cole and Tyler Ennis vs Alex Steen from the Buffalo Sabres at St. Louis Blues game on Nov 11, 2014.


  1. Wow Steen pick on someone your own size. I'm not a sabres fan I'm just saying I hate when people go after the smaller guys in the league.

  2. "Not sure if Zadorov is known for this, I know he's strong and big but Ian Cole's big and strong"

  3. "I don't know if Zadorov is known for this, I know he's big and strong but Cole is big…and strong" 

  4. I'm a Sabres fan and I think Ennis brought it upon himself.. He's the littlest guy on the ice but he tries to pick a fight..

  5. Blues are solid but so glad that pussy got his shit rocked by a rookie. Fucking cole. I skate better than that pussy.

  6. People don't understand why there is fighting in hockey. This is a great example why.

    First clean hit on Ennis and 2 players+ Ennis jump Cole – 0:22 (example of why we love hockey).
    Second, immediately 2 Blues players step in and stop the 3-1. (another reason why we ove hockey) (But, importantly an example of why hockey needs fighting)

    Simple really. Football, Basketball, Soccer Baseball are not fast enough to cause needed retaliation like this. Hockey needs fighting to police themselves.

  7. As a Oiler fan, the 2nd team I love is the Sabres…even though there in a rebuild, which I can relate big time too lol, I think their fans are great, and the team is fun to watch. 2-3 years, Buffalo will be very fun to watch!

  8. Its funny how people are not afraid of picking a fight with Buffalo now , it didn't seem to happen too often when the Terminator himself john scott was with them last year!!

  9. Glad Zadorov stepped up , but where the hell is Myers .   Myers should have stepped up and taken Cole on himself or in the least taken on Steen and not the smallest player on the team 

  10. To everyone that keeps saying Cole had the clean hit on Ennis cause it was a continuation check, fuck off… I'm a defender, I've been in Cole's position in similar situations… Piss off with that continuation shit, he coulda diverted a long time before the hit, and stepping into it didn't help his case. That was full on roughing, probably 4 minute minor at the angles they showed. If he were any closer to the boards, that coulda been a boarding + misconduct easily… Wouldn't matter if it were Ennis on the receiving end or Chara, still same result (though probably woulda been a misconduct if it were chara, cause we all know the NHL babys the fucking bruins…)

  11. Is Ian Cole a good pick up? I'm a Pens fan (don't get to see to much of the Western Conf Games) we needed a big bodied D man who can hit and fight. We got rid of Bortz who I liked cause he was huge and always got in the face of other team's best player's he was below avg skill wise lol but still a big bodied checker. Cole is a smaller body,but is he solid defensively ????

  12. This is why Myers was traded. He's soft. Just standing there while steen is pounding away at ennis, good riddance. Zadorov is a keeper

  13. "This is when Tyler Myers needs to get in there" I'm glad he's out of Buffalo, he's almost 7ft on skates and he's the biggest pussy ever, help out a teammate.

  14. Zadorov is tall and big, but Ian cole is big and strong -Pierre McGuirre

  15. Zadorov is big and strong, Cole is big and stronger…now they are both on the AVS. 😁

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