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Coach Gruden Looking to Add Offensive Firepower in 2020 | Las Vegas Raiders

Head Coach Jon Gruden discusses the 2020 NFL Combine, safety Johnathan Abram, the 2020 NFL Draft, position depth, Las Vegas, and more.

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  1. Gruden is not a good coach, why do NFL keep tolerating him? Is it because he is white? White privilege is making a lot of unqualified white coaches very rich.

  2. Gruden in interviews can come across and the perfect gentleman but when he's coaching he turns into a savage warrior. I'm happy to have this man as coach of our team.

  3. Gruden is a Hack! The reason he won the Super Bowl against the Raiders was because he was their coach the previous season. Winning with Tony Dungy's Buccaneers. The Raiders really didn't change their plays after he left. he's just an be low average NFL coach. Lame is as Hack does!

  4. The Raiders have to master the 50 60 70 yard passing game. This is pro sport. There is nothing more discouraging for recievers to run play after play and never recieve a pass. That is like Tiger Wood not having his driver's. A team with a great long pass will always beat the Raiders. They will triple the score quickly. Long pass and run game attack. Anyone who gets the ball should make great run plays. Everyone should run like Barry Sanders. If you got the ball ruuuuuuuuuuuun hard, break tackles they only stop you if you let them.

  5. We need a receiver who can stretch the field if we're going to get back to Raiders football. We were up by 3 TDs in the Super Bowl against Washington & Plunkett was still going deep for Branch.

  6. If AJ Green doesn't get franchise tagged we should get him first and keep everyone else and then just go D

  7. Due to K.C. all three teams are looking to be able to put up lots more points in the AFC West.

  8. The Raiders have been a train wreck for decades. It starts with leadership. Mark Davis does not have the leadership ability or resources to be an NFL owner. The Raider supporters have been sold out, time and time again. Mark Davis has been the NFL's token boy, volunteering for every overseas game. The Raiders play an unprecedented five consecutive away games. Not withstanding volunteering for Hard Knocks. Mark Davis is received as a joke by the Commissioner and fellow owners. The Raiders have no credibilty or competitive edge with Mark Davis as a owner. The Raiders will never win consistently with Mark Davis as owner. His move to Las Vegas will be a huge regret. Chasing revenue and a shiny new stadium will not change the Raiders as the dumpster fire of the NFL. Shiny new stadiums do not make championship teams; well ran commited organizations do.The Raiders will never have home field advantage again. Las Vegas is a transient city, Raiders home games will be lucky to pull 35% fan support. The Raiders fans have been some of the most loyal in the NFL. But the Raiders will forever be Oakland. The home of the Black Panthers, Hells Angels, and Social reform made Oakland a tough anti-establishment. The Oakland Raiders took on the chracter of the city. Jon Gruden as head coach is another train wreck. The 2017 draft set the Raiders back 2-3 years with 85% of the players cut. As well as trading valuable draft picks to the Steelers for nothing in return. We trade a future HOF Khalil Mack because the organization does not have the cash capital. While keeping Derek Carr a proven loser that can't handle pressure. The Raiders were once the most intimidating team in the NFL. Up in until the mid 1980's the Raiders had the highest winning percentage in all of professional sports. Al Davis started to be surpassed by his own ego after winning the 1983 Super Bowl. Slowly year by year with the exception of a few seasons the Raiders became the punch line of the NFL. The mystique of the Raiders has been long gone. Next year the Raiders will move to Las Vegas Raiders. When history looks back at the Raiders it will be written how leadership is the most important factor in having a winning organization. The Raiders will always fail with Mark Davis leading the team.

  9. Great interview! Coach Gruden is a true pro and he's going to create an incredible and winning team in Vegas, I can't wait. Viva Las Vegas & Go Raiders!

  10. Players could not care less about the Silver and Black and "the tradition." Pay them, then they will consider joining the recent history of 10+ loss seasons.

  11. We need to go back to the old school we're going to run it! (Laughing maniacly) try and stop us! Something that's always been a staple of the Raiders. Let's make Big Al proud!!!

  12. We were kind of screwed last year with AB, all the injuries and the total bullshit Burfict suspension. Need a great receiver, ML and build the defense. Gonna be a better year. We’d better make the playoffs.

  13. Definitely need a WR and LB with the two 1st rounders, I love Simmons but if you can't get Simmons grab one of those top WR's and then grab Murray or Queen with the 19th. This year's draft isn't rocket science. At least the 1st round.

  14. I can’t wait. Their are so many great storylines and they have so many resources available to improve on an already much improved roster! R4L!

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